Foster Person Set up


This procedure applies to persons who want to volunteer as a Foster Carer, Person or Parent.

NOTE: this must be completed before the links to foster an animal will show for new foster persons. 

  1. Search for Foster person.
    • If found, skip to step #2.
    • If not found, click on the Create a New Entry link.
    • Fill in the relevant blanks on the Add New Person page. Mandatory fields: first name, last name, residential address, mailing address if different than residential,   telephone number, and gender.  Depending on your organisation you may be required to confirm identification and include Date of Birth.
    • Click Update Details.
  2. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link in the upper left-hand section of the screen and click on the Foster Person link in the Personal Categories section.
  3. On the Foster Person page, click on the Foster Person Details link.
  4. Complete the following:
    • Preferences: place a checkmark next to the types of animals the person is willing to care for.
    • Fostering Details: this area helps to identify when a foster parent is primarily available and to assess their background at a glance.  Place a checkmark next to all that apply.  (This area is also used to pull the foster carers name off of available lists when they are under quarantine for Parvo, Ringworm, and a general hold.)
    • Environment: these fields define the type of environment the person is able to offer.
      • Time at home per day: enter the total number of hours the person is home in general per day.
      • Pets: identify the types and number of pets the person already has at home, if applicable.
      • Children: identify the number and age of children in the home, if applicable.
    • Interview Details: enter all applicable details derived from the interview here
    • Unable to Foster:  if there is a period of time when the person is unable to f0ster animals document that here by selecting the start and ending dates using the Calendar Icons of when they are not available.
    • Notes: enter all additional information that may be needed.
    • Landlord Approval:  click on the down arrow to select if approval is required and has been granted.
    • Click Add Details.
  5. This will take you to the top of the Edit Foster Details page and four new links display.

Don’t forget to:

  • Complete the Property Check questions, if required.
  • Add any applicable notes to the Foster Notes link.
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