This document helps you find and navigate the Details card in the Person Profile. The Details card can be used as a quick snapshot of the person's information, or to update multiple fields at once.
- From the landing page, search for the Person you wish to view (if you need tips, click here)
- From the end of the person's row, find the three-dot "hamburger menu" on the right.
- Your cursor should turn from an arrow to a pointing finger when you hover over the dots. When it shows the pointing finger, click your left mouse button to see the two options.
- Clicking See Person Detail will take you to the Classic Person Details page.
- Clicking See Person Profile will take you to the new Person Profile page
- Click See Person Profile to proceed.
- Just below the Summary Card on the left of the screen, you will see the section for Person Data. Right beside that header is the Details > button.
- Click Details > to open the Profile Details card. It should look something like this:
- At the top of the Details Card will be a snapshot of the person's data:
This area is information only and cannot be edited at this time.
- NOTE: the Save Data button, found in the top right of the section, is greyed out and inert until a change is made to the card.
- The Detail button to the left of Save Data will take you to the person's profile in the Classic User Interface.
- In the centre of the card you'll see two headings, one for each tab available. The card will default to Main Details and greyed out next to it will be Addresses.
- You can toggle between the two tabs by clicking on the title. You can tell which is active because it will be coloured blue and underlined.
- Main Details includes a Search field. Place your cursor in the field and begin typing to target any field that appears below it. The Address tab does not have this feature.
- Below the Search field are the fields in the section you can interact with. You will be able to change any active field.
- The following fields are available via the Main Details tab:
- Date of Birth: You can use the calendar date-picker to select a date, or you can type it directly into the field. So long as it is correctly formatted, it will accept it. This date will display according to your site's country settings.
- Cell: This field will display the person's primary cell/mobile phone number. It will change the format depending on the flag showing at the left of the field, and should only accept correct prefixes for your country.
- You can change the country setting for a record by clicking the down arrow next to the flag and selecting a different flag from the list.
- The flag picker has a search option and places the most popularly used flags at the top of the list for you.
- First Name: This is a free-text field, so you can simply place your cursor in to make adjustments. NOTE: it does not have the auto-casing found in the Classic User Interface, so make sure you type the name as it is supposed to appear.
- Last Name: This is a free-text field, so you can simply place your cursor in to make adjustments. NOTE: it does not have the auto-casing found in the Classic User Interface, so make sure you type the name as it is supposed to appear.
- Record Type: This field is mandatory and may change the way the record behaves.
- Gender: Select using the drop-down. Unfortunately, only the binary options are available at this time.
- Email: This field shows the primary email address for this person. Place your cursor in the field to activate it and make changes in it as you need to.
- If you click the heading Address you will notice the page will change. The search field disappears and new options are offered.
- The following fields are available via the Address tab:
- Physical Address: This section defaults to being open and is arranged with the Country at the top as that is mandatory and governs how the remainder of the address functions. The current address will display in the relevant fields, with mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk (*)
- Mailing Address: The section is collapsed by default unless the Mailing Address is different to the Physical Address, at which point it will also be open. You can add or change by clicking the down arrow on the right-hand end to open the field.
- Seasonal Address: The section is collapsed by default unless the Seasonal Address is different to the Physical Address, at which point it will also be open. You can add or change by clicking the down arrow on the right-hand end to open the field.
- Make any change to any of these fields and the [Save Data] button at the top right of the Details Card will turn blue, indicating it is active and ready to save your changes. Click the button to save.
- Cose the Details Card at any time by clicking on the screen outside of the card, or clicking on the (x) symbol.