Have questions about using Adōpets? Try watching a video on the feature you want to try. Click the links below to get started.
🎥 All Pets:
✅ Check out your organization's All Pets menu!
![[video-to-gif output image]](/hc/article_attachments/6307998596111/63d82c551a5c7.gif)
🎥 Adoption Management:
✅ Access your team's Adoptions menu!
![[video-to-gif output image]](/hc/article_attachments/6307998667151/63d82c5d4f3c3.gif)
Complete contract from shelter-managed device
(for Super Users, Owners, and Admins)
Complete checkout from shelter-managed device
(for Super Users, Owners, and Admins)
🎥 Visitor Management:
✅ View your team's Visitors menu.
⚠️ Can't see it? Email support@adopets.com to set up visitor management. ⚠️
![[video-to-gif output image]](/hc/article_attachments/6307998776463/63d82c661308a.gif)
(for Super Users, Owners, and Admins)
🎥 Contacts:
✅ See your team's Contacts menu.
![[video-to-gif output image]](/hc/article_attachments/6307982414863/63d82c6e3741e.gif)
🎥 Settings and Reports:
✅ Access your Settings, Reports, and Dashboard.
⚠️ Only Super Users and Owners can access Settings. Only Super Users, Owners, and Admins can access the Reports and Dashboard. ⚠️

🆘 Troubleshooting:
Staff member not on visitor management assigned staff dropdown
Someone wants to reapply for a pet but we've already archived their inquiry
⁉️ Frequently Asked Questions:
👀 View our full FAQ list here. 👀