The Asilomar Accords have several lines dedicated to animals being transferred in or out of your community/coalition:
Row C | Intake | Incoming Transfers from Organizations within Community/Coalition |
Row D | Intake | Incoming Transfers from Organizations outside Community/Coalition |
Row J | Outcomes | OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Organizations within Community/Coalition |
Row K | Outcomes | OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Organizations outside Community/Coalition |
Maddie's Fund uses something very similar.
If you need to show a difference here, here's what you need to do to make that happen:
- In Administration and locate Edit Drop Down Lists, then find the option Alliance Group for Agency or Rescue Groups (in the "quick entry" section at the top)
- Click Edit
- Add an Alliance Group - it can simply be "within coalition" or something similar
- Hit enter to save
- Return to Edit Drop Down Lists
- Find the option for Shelter / Rescue (towards the bottom of the page)
- Click Maintain
- Locate the groups that are within your community/coalition and click Edit
- On the resulting page, click the down arrow on the drop down box Member of Alliance Group and select the group you set up in step 3
- Save your changes
- Repeat for all groups/organisations WITHIN your coalition.
Anything that does not have a group assigned will be interpreted as OUTSIDE you community/coalition by these reports.