How do I show groups/organisations as being within my community/coalition for Asilomar/Maddie's Fund?


The Asilomar Accords have several lines dedicated to animals being transferred in or out of your community/coalition: 

Row C Intake Incoming Transfers from Organizations within Community/Coalition
Row D Intake Incoming Transfers from Organizations outside Community/Coalition
Row J Outcomes OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Organizations within Community/Coalition
Row K Outcomes OUTGOING TRANSFERS to Organizations outside Community/Coalition


Maddie's Fund uses something very similar. 


If you need to show a difference here, here's what you need to do to make that happen: 

  1. In Administration and locate Edit Drop Down Lists, then find the option Alliance Group for Agency or Rescue Groups (in the "quick entry" section at the top) 
  2. Click Edit
  3. Add an Alliance Group - it can simply be "within coalition" or something similar
  4. Hit enter to save
  5. Return to Edit Drop Down Lists
  6. Find the option for Shelter / Rescue (towards the bottom of the page)
  7. Click Maintain
  8. Locate the groups that are within your community/coalition and click Edit
  9. On the resulting page, click the down arrow on the drop down box Member of Alliance Group and select the group you set up in step 3
  10. Save your changes
  11. Repeat for all groups/organisations WITHIN your coalition. 

Anything that does not have a group assigned will be interpreted as OUTSIDE you community/coalition by these reports. 

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