Setting up additional forms for the Form Picker


This process allows you to create additional forms you would like to have available for processes that use the Form Picker. 

Once set up, you will need to notify to activate the form for the Form Picker. 

You will require access to the Administration features to perform this task. 

  1. From the Welcome/Search Page, find and click on the Administration link in the orange left-hand menu. 
  2. Search for Edit Drop Down Lists and click on the link to open the menu. 
  3. In the top "quick entry" section, look for the option Animal Form (Printed) and click Edit 
  4. Place your cursor into the text box and type the name of the form so it can be identified in a drop-down menu. Simply hit the "Enter" key to add the entry. 
  5. Once all the form headings are added and ready, return to the Administration menu
  6. Search for Templated Documents and click on the link to open the menu. 
  7. Click on the link Animal Forms (Printed)
  8. Click on +Create button to add a new form. 
  9. The Location drop-down will default to the location you are logged in for that session. If this form is to be available for ALL locations, use the drop-down to amend it. You can also set a default option. 
  10. Enter the name of the form into the Description field. You can adjust the heading so different Physical Locations can identify "theirs" in the Form Picker drop-down or you can have it match the way it was entered to create the form.
  11. Leave the Type as-is
  12. Select the name of the form as entered in step #4 from the Category drop-down
  13. If the form is only available for specific groups of animals (e.g. Canine/Feline types), then use the Animal Types drop-down to select. 
  14. Set the Language. This drop-down will default to English, but any language marker is available. 
    NOTE: This does not change the language, it only marks what language was used. You would need to enter the text using the required language, it won't translate for you. 
  15. Use the Body canvas to enter the text of your document. Placeholders are available to customise the text to the individual receiving it. For more information on how to use this feature, click here.
  16. Once your text is completed, click the Save button to return to the menu list dashboard. 
  17. Your new document will appear in the list. You can Edit or Delete from here. 

Reminder: the document will not appear in the Form Picker until activated by the Shelter Buddy engineer team. Contact to to that. 

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