Upgrade March 2021


A small update to adding vet treatments

We are rolling out an upgrade this week, as part of this upgrade there is a change when adding a Vet Treatment. This is to prevent users from entering duplicate treatments by accident, or by adding a new treatment instead of administering an existing due treatment, both of which will cause issues when reporting on when a Vet Treatment was actually due.

When you Add Vet Treatment, the system now checks to see if there are any existing treatments on that animal's record that appear to be a duplicate for the one you are trying to add. If there is, it will offer you a pop-up with two choices: 
- Enter Existing Treatment
- Continue Adding New Treatment
At the top, the pop-up will also show you the name of the treatment in question and when it is due. 


The pop-up will open if:

  • there is an existing treatment on that animal's record with the same Type (vaccination, test, treatment),  name, and date range. 
  • there is a DUE treatment on that animal's record with the same Type, name, and is due about the time the new treatment is being added. 
  • you edit an existing treatment and change the treatment given to be one that matches another treatment that already exists on that animal's record
  • you administer a treatment and set the treatment to one where there is already another vet treatment that matches it on that animal's record. 

You should not see the pop-up if you add a treatment that does not exist on that animal's record or if you administer one via the administer link.

The Enter Existing Treatment option should be used if you are adding a due treatment that already exists on that animal's record. This equates to using the Administer link and correctly updates the record as the due treatment having been given on that date. 

The Continue Adding New Treatment link should be used ONLY if the treatment is either an intentional duplicate (e.g. if you are adding future due treatments) or if you do not want the existing treatment updated or associated with the new treatment for any reason. 

The page will add the treatment directly, according to the choice you have made. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the support team.

Your ShelterBuddies.

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