The following changes may already be on your site as part of a slow roll out, or the changes may be new as part of this upgrade.
Jurisdiction/Council/Warrant Areas
We have recently made some changes to accommodate circumstances that were presenting challenges for some of our users, such as addressing when previously independent jurisdictions merged to form one, or when there is a greater jurisdiction overseeing a collection of smaller sub-jurisdictions and they all use the same fees but still need to be reported independently under specific circumstances.
To assist with these challenges, we have introduced a system of "jurisdiction groups". These groups collect selected jurisdictions together so they can share licensing fees, citations, and similar fees. Once a jurisdiction is added to a group, any fees assigned to that jurisdiction will automatically be collected to the group, so you will not need to re-enter them, however. As part of this upgrade we have assigned each jurisdiction their own group by default, so you may to set up new groups and reassign jurisdictions to their groups and remove any groups we have set up by default. This can be done via administration.
These groups are managed via Admin > Edit Drop Down Lists > Jurisdiction/Agency - Maintain.
You can assign as many jurisdictions to a group as required. Group will be mandatory for all jurisdictions, but as mentioned we created default groups simply by repeating the name of the jurisdiction for the group. This will be done automatically for existing jurisdictions, so if you do not need this feature, there will be no impact as part of the upgrade. Users will only notice changes if/when they add a new jurisdiction/agency and find the group is now mandatory.
Animal Details Page - License details
The fields that record license information has been split to represent two different purposes.
The first field is the Current License Details field, with history. This field is populated with data entered via the license processing page and cannot be altered via the Animal Details Page in any way.
The second field is the License Details Found on Animals field. If you routinely issue licenses via Shelter Buddy, this field will be collapsed by default, like the secondary microchip information field, but can be expanded by clicking the plus (+) at the end of the header bar. If you would like to open by default please contact Support for us to change the system for you.
- The Licence Details Found on Animals field is intended for two uses:
To record tag numbers and issuing authorities that are worn by animals that have entered care as Stray, Ambulance, ACO Impound, etc that were not issued by your system, so it can be tracked later - To record tag numbers, issuing authorities and expiry dates for animals that have been issued licenses by your organisation using a separate system (e.g. in the circumstance that the shelter does not ever issue the license themselves, but they work for the governing organisation that does via a different office and database). This field will work exactly as the previous license details on the animal screen did.
The "License Owner Search" on the Main Welcome/Search page will locate information from the Current License Details field only. The License Number search field on the Advanced Animal Search page will location information from the License Details Found on Animal field ONLY.