Using External License Issuer/External Registration Issuer


This document walks you through how to issue a license/registration tag via an external issuer. 

  1. From the Welcome/Search Page, search for the Person who wishes to license the animal. 
    • If not found, create a record for them now. 
  2. Scroll to the Person Categories at the bottom of the Person Details Page.
  3. Locate and click on the link License or Registration as per your site's settings. 
  4. Select the appropriate licensing link from the Licensing Menu
  5. Add/Update the Animal Details page as required. 
    • For more information on how to process to this point, see the original License Procedure document here
  6. The License/Registration Details page will load
  7. You will three options: 
    • Shelter Buddy Shelter (i.e. your organisation)
    • External Seller 
    • Future License/Registration
  8. To use an External Issuer, select the second option. A drop-down will appear, prompting you to select which External Issuer is selling the license/registration. Select from the drop-down for the rest of the License/Registration Details page to appear
  9. Continue to license normally from here. 
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