How to get the "View Dispatch Jobs/Pending Jobs" pop up for new Dispatch Officers.


When setting up a new officer, you must link the officer's profile to their Shelterbuddy login to get this link to appear in the left-hand menu and pop-up to appear on login. 



To see this pop-up, the officer must be linked to their Shelterbuddy login, so the system "knows" that they are an officer.

To Link a New or Existing Officer:

  1. From the Welcome/Search page, click the Administration link in the left-hand menu
  2. Find and click on the link Dispatch Administration.
  3. In the options that appear at the bottom of this page, locate the option for Animal Protection Officer, Ambulance and Animal Control officers
  4. Click on the Add ­­­­link for a new officer, or Edit for an existing one.  
  5. This will generate a pop-up window.
  6. For a NEW officer, complete the following: 
    • Name: if the officer is not in the system as a user*, enter their name here.
    • Select a Shelterbuddy User*:  if the officer is in the system as a user, select the officer’s name from the auto-complete options offered. 
    • Officer Initials:  enter the initials of the officer.
    • Officer Region:  click on the down arrow to assign the officer a region.
    • Ambulance Officer, Inspector, Animal Control Officer:  place a checkmark in all that apply.
  7. For an EXISTING officer, follow these steps: 
    • Select the Officer from the drop-down
    • Locate the field Select a Shelterbuddy User*:  if the officer is in the system as a user, select the officer’s name from the auto-complete options offered. 
    • Set the name in the above field.
  8. Click Add or Edit Officer button at the bottom of the pop-up. 
  9. The popup window will disappear.

 * Note: Changes made to usernames via Edit User Access are not reflected in the Humane Officer/Ambulance Officer/Animal Control Officer lists. Use the Edit Officer function to make changes here. 

*Note: if an officer is a system user, but their details are not added here by using the Select a Shelter Buddy User option and the user isn't selected from auto-complete correctly, the record won't link to their login and they will not have access to the View Dispatch Jobs link in the left-hand menu. 


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