Why are animals with outcomes showing when I search by Physical Location on the Search page?


You may find that if you search for animals on the Main Search page or Advanced Animal Search page with no other filters but the Physical Location selected, animals that are not currently in care will show up along with those that are. 

This is the reason we don't recommend using the search page as an inventory - data errors will cause this and unfortunately, there's no way to prevent it. 

There are a number of things that can cause it, including (but not restricted to): data import issues, records that were processed into care but the intake source/status later removed using Admin, data entry errors, technical glitches that cause the fields to clear completely and so on. 

If there are only a few, they can usually be corrected by going into Admin > Edit Status History for an Animal > Search for the AID number > Edit the status previous to the current outcome status > click "Change Animal's Current Status?" box > Click Update > Immediately Edit the outcome status and click the "Change Animal's Current Status?" box > update again. 

That clears the Shelter Location/Physical Location so the record displays correctly again. 

PLEASE NOTE: this issue does NOT affect in care reports such as 226 "In Care Inventory" - they are the most accurate way to see what is in your shelter at any given time and the method we recommend.

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