Uploading Microchips to the 24 Petwatch 3rd party site (formerly Found Animals)


This process takes you through the process for uploading animals to the "24 Petwatch" microchip site. Currently, the process only accepts animals that were microchipped via Adoption or via the Clinic Person Category


Set up costs $350.00 (one-off fee) Make sure you notify Accounts. 

Set up: 

  1. Click Admin > Found Animals Microchip Upload
  2. Enter a date range.
  3. Click Validate Data and it should list each row that does not meet the following requirements: 
    • Either a phone or email address
    • First Name and Last Name is required
    • Microchip is 15 characters long but is not numeric only.
    • Microchip is 10 characters long but has characters other than numbers or letters.
    • Microchip is 9 characters long but does not start with a leading 0.
    • Microchip is 9 characters long but has characters other than numbers or dashes.
    • Microchip is not 9, 10 or 15 characters long.
  4. Click Download File and all microchipped animals that were adopted within that date range will be downloaded onto an excel spreadsheet so you can view what records are being sent, and what information from each file.
  5. When all information is correct, send to the 24 Petwatch company by clicking "Send to Found Animals."
  6. Send email to accounts@shelterbuddy.com to let them know this has been set up. See here for a template
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