Drug Usage Tracking Admin - Add Bottle to Inventory


This process creates a bottle for you to dispense drugs into for tracking. It's best to do this before you attempt to Dispense from your inventory. For more information on how to dispense drugs, click here

The following process is done via the Administration section.

  1. From the Welcome/Search page, click on the Administration link in the orange left-hand menu. 
  2. Click on the link Drug Administration
  3. When the Drug Administration menu loads, click on Drug Usage Tracking
  4. Click on the Add New Bottle to Inventory link.  This generates a popup window.
  5. Select Product Name from List: click the down arrow and select a drug to which you would like to link the bottle. 
  6. Click Select Drug
  7. Bottle + - :  click on the + to add a bottle or container.  If the + was clicked too many times click the to remove the bottle (container) window.
  8. Bottle Name:  enter the name of the bottle. For best results, this should represent the name of the drug, the location it will be found and any other information you may need in brief form. 
  9. Click Update Allocations.  You will then have the choice to add more bottles, delete them or close the window.

You are now ready to dispense drugs from the inventory. 

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