Bulk Update Spay / Neutered Animals


This process allows you to add spay/neuter information to multiple animals at once, to help shortcut your workload. 

  1. From the Welcome/Search page, click the link Bulk Updating Menu in the Search Menu.
  2. In the menu list, find and click on the option Bulk Update Spay/Neuter Details (may be variously labelled depending on local settings)
  3. The Bulk Update - Select Animals page will load. Add animals to be updated either by Animal ID number, by Dispatch Job number, by Animal ID Range (e.g. 100 - 110) or by Litter (add one Animal ID and all animals linked as a litter will be added to the list).
    • Click the (+) button or press your Enter key to add the animals. 
    • To remove animals, click the box beside their row and select "REmove" from the Choose an action drop-down box, then click the Apply to selected button. 
  4. Once all animals are added and correct, click Next
  5. You will arrive at the Bulk Update Spay/Neuter Details Page
    • Spay/Neuter Date: Enter the date these animals were spayed/neutered by clicking the calendar icon and selecting, or by typing the date in the same format the field uses (either dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy depending on local settings)
    • Spayed/Neutered By: Select the surgeon who performed the surgery from the drop-down list of veterinarians. 
    • Stitches Removal/Wound Recheck date: Select a date the stitches/sutures are to be removed or the wound rechecked if required. 
    • Click the Process button. 
  6. You will return to the Bulk Update - Select Animals page.

PLEASE NOTE: This process does not change the animal's Primary Status. It simply updates the Medical Details page and the Spay/Neuter status. 

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