October 2019 Upgrade




The status change dialog window when finalizing a job now has the option to set the underlying cause of the defendant / person of interest in breaching any codes or laws:
You can change this list by going to Administration > Edit Drop Down Lists > Dispatch Underlying Causes You can also report on this field by using the Job Outcomes Report (584)

Medication Sheet

The medication sheet is updated to show columns for each day for each dosage per day instead of a static 4 columns. For example this pets medication sheet has the following:
The Doxycycline and Metronidazole is twice daily while the Panacur is only once per day.

Adding Acquisitions for Events

Under the main ShelterBuddy search page is an area for "Pre Registration / Data Acquisition" where you can setup an acquisition list for people attending an event or a general list of people you would like to contact to try and convert to donors.
With this upgrade you now have the option to upload people based on a specific spreadsheet template multiple times. This is helpful if you use facebook for people to sign up to attend events for example. Simply click on new acquisition to create a new event or acquisition:
Enter the details of the event / acquisition and then once added click on the name:

And then click the upload button to upload a new spreadsheet of people:
It is important to note the format of the spreadsheet must be the exact format of the template. To get a sample of the spreadsheet template you can download from our help guide "Acquisition / pre-registration - adding a new acquisition list and setting up an Event", or for more information on pre-registration for events we also have a help article "Adoption pre-registration and check in".

Schedule Reports to Email Automatically

As part of our regular upgrade this Tuesday night we are accepting interest in becoming an early adopter of the below new feature currently in beta to email reports on a scheduled basis. Details on this new feature are below and if you are interested please email support@shelterbuddy.com for us to set this up as part of the upgrade.

To set up a scheduled report, go into Reports > Scheduled Reports:
From here you can create your own schedule for what ever report you need:


Report: This is an auto-complete field, so it will start offering suggestions after the first 3 characters entered. Select from the offered list by clicking on the option you want. Not all reports may show, if this is the case the report may be an older report so email support to ask to make the report available.
Frequency: Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly (and can include the day of the week)
Format: Excel, PDF, CSV

Clicking Save & Add Parameters will then load the standard filter page for your report where a page where you can select which filters to run such as what locations, or animal statuses etc. You can then click to save the parameters for your report with the option to send an email straight away.

After the scheduled is created ShelterBuddy will email the report to the recipients. If a report has a date range that is required it will use the date range from the previously sent report. So for example if you have a monthly report it will run the report with the date range from the previous month to the current date.

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