Add an Indemnity/Waiver to an Animal's record.


This process walks you through adding an indemnity/waiver to an animal's record. To perform this task, you will need access to the Medical Notes page. 

  1. From the Welcome/Search page, use the search fields to find the record for the Animal in question. 
  2. Once the Animal Details page has loaded, click the link to the Medical Notes page. 
  3. Scroll down below the 5 big note canvases, and between these fields and the section for Previous Vet Contact Details you will see the heading Indemnities and a green button (+)
  4. Click the (+) button to open the indemnity options. 
  5. Select an indemnity title from the drop-down by clicking the down arrow at the end of the box. 
  6. Any text associated with that indemnity title will automatically populate in the text box below. You can amend/make additional notes now as/if desired. 
  7. If no text is associated with the title, you can manually type into the text box. 
  8. Repeat from step #4 to add additional indemnity/waivers.
  9. To remove an indemnity or indemnity option, click the red (x) on the left side of the unwanted option. 
  10. When all required indemnity/waivers are added, click Update Details to save your changes. 


For additional information on how to add Indemnities/Waivers to your list, click HERE 

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