Receipting: Creating a New Batch


If you are entering data sometime after the actual date of the transaction has passed, you will need to create a new BATCH. 

This process walks you through how this is done. 

You will need access to the Receipts menu to perform this task. 

  1. From the Welcome/Search page, click the Receipts link in the orange left-hand menu. 
  2. On the Receipt menu, click the link Manage Batch
  3. On the Manage Receipt Batches menu, click the link Create New Batch
  4. Use the Last Name/First Name fields to find the user the batch is to be assigned to. Click Find to activate the search and select your user from the resulting pop-up. 
  5. The Region drop-down will default to your login region/Physical Location. If you have multiple Physical Locations, and the batch is not for the one you are currently logged in for, use the drop-down to select another. 
  6. Click on the calendar icon to select a date for the new batch. 
  7. When all fields are completed, click Save
  8. Your batch will now be available to select on a receipt page.


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