Admin - Manage Vet Clinics


This process updates the Clinic Name drop-down lists located in various areas on the Medical Notes page. 

You require access to the Administration menu to utilise these options.


  1. Click on the Administration link in the Orange Menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Click on the Edit Drop Down Lists link.


To Add a clinic name: 

  1. Locate the Clinics section.
  2. Click on the Add link to add a new clinic name. This will generate a popup window.
  3. Clinic:  enter the new clinic name.
  4. Default Regions:  if you would like this clinic to automatically appear as the default for specific Physical Locations, click on the down arrow on the drop-down to select from the list.
  5. Only show if logged in as: If you would only like users to see this option while working for a particular Physical Location, please select from the drop-down. This means that users logged in for other locations won't have access to choose this clinic. If the clinic is available to more than one location, it is best left open, with no selection made, as you can only assign ONE location this way. 
  6. Click Add Clinic.  The popup window will disappear.

To Edit a clinic:

  1. Locate the Clinics section.
  2. Click on the Edit link to edit an existing clinic name or default settings.  This will generate a popup window.
  3. Clinic Name:  click on the down arrow to select the clinic name to be altered.
  4. New Clinic Name:  enter the new/correct clinic name.
  5. Default Regions:  to select (or de-select) a default region, choose from the drop-down.
  6. Only show if logged in as: if you would like to make a change to the regions that have access to this clinic, make a selection from the drop-down. 
  7. Click Edit Clinic.  The popup window will disappear.


To Delete a clinic name:

  1. Locate the Clinics section.
  2. Click on the Delete link to delete an existing clinic name.  This will generate a popup window.
  3. Clinic:  click on the down arrow to select the clinic name to be deleted.
  4. Click Delete Clinic.  Click OK.  The popup window will disappear.

NB: Deleting a clinic does not remove its history. It will remain visible on any Medical Notes page it was assigned to until such a time as it is manually changed to something else. It will continue to report normally, even though it no longer appears in any drop-downs. 

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