These reports were designed to serve as a tool for basic data collection. It is a matrix agreed upon by many US organizations (including Asilomar, ASPCA, National Federation of Humane Societies, American Humane, UC Davis, Maddies Fund, PetSmart Charities, HSUS and Shelter Animals Count). Participating shelters feed this data into a US national database of sheltered animal statistics.
To access these reports in ShelterBuddy simply navigate to Reports from the main menu, then in the report search bar simply type animals count and this will list the following reports:
- Shelter Animals Count Data Import: This report provides the data to upload to the Shelter Animals Count organization per their template.
- Shelter Animals Count: Basic Animal Data Matrix: The original report that is not for data import
- Shelter Animals Count: Detail Listing: This is a companion report, and provides a way to audit your data.
For all these reports, from the filter page you can enter the date range of what you would like to report on as well as other options for reporting. To see a full description of what each report does you can click the "help" link found in the top right corner of the reports filter page.
One salient feature of this database is the definition of adult canine or feline at 5 months. This report calculates age to 150 days (5 months) as puppy or kitten, and above that as dog or cat, regardless of your site’s puppy/kitten setting.
See for more information. A PDF with the report layout and instructions can be found under data/Explore-the-Data and then find the link to Basic Data Matrix.