Day To Day Impact
Transfer Checklist Report
This report is updated so that the filters are tablet or mobile device friendly, the output of the report is also updated to a spreadsheet format and you can now select which columns to show on the report. This will allow you to export and manipulate the data but also to only include the information you are interested in for each transfer.
Opt In for Animal Updates
There is now the option on the animal general notes to tick the field "send to people following this animal" so that this is ticked by default. If you would like this turned on for your site please email
In the Appointment Type Administration section there is now an option to specify the animal requirements, being:
Not required
Animal details
Shelter Buddy record
When creating an appointment, if the appointment type requires animal details, it will show a validation error message if an animal is not added to the appointment. If the appointment type requires a Shelter Buddy record, a message will be displayed if the animal details are not found.
Scheduling Cancellation Reason
Cancellation reasons can now be recorded for scheduling booking. The reasons can be maintained via administration > edit drop down lists > Appointment Cancellation Reasons. Once these are set up they will show when cancelling an appointment:
Opt In Animal Updates
A new bulk animal update feature is included to subscribe a group to multiple animals at once. From the main search screen > bulk updating menu, there is a new link "bulk subscribe to animal updates. From this screen you can attach animals that you would like to opt a group in to:
After the animals are added click Next and you can then subscribe a group or individuals to all the animals.
Clicking the process button will save the subscription and then show a confirmation screen of the animals that were updated.
Access Levels for Users or Groups (540)
This report has been updated so it is optimized for use with tablets and mobile devices.
Vaccination Reminder Report (639)
This report has been updated to exclude deceased animals, a new option to include animals with an information status an it is also now optimized for use with tablets and mobile devices.
License Certificates Report Excel (372)
This report has been updated so it is optimized for use with tablets and mobile devices and new columns are added to split addresses and to show more details.
Shelter Statistics - In Care Report (84)
This report now has the checkbox "include sub status", this will include the sub status in the columns.
Animals Returned (53)
This report is updated so that the filters are tablet or mobile device friendly.
*New Animal Email Subscriptions (38)
This Report will list animals that are subscribed to email lists. The region filter is for the animals current physical location, the status / sub status filter is for the animals current status and sub status.
*New Inspection Checklist (39)
This report lists inspections with a column for each check list item. This is to give an indication of what check list items need to be followed up on for an inspection.
Adhoc Reporting Module
There are some new updates to the Dispatch Entities: Dispatch Summary, Dispatch Persons, Dispatch Animal Summary, Dispatch Animals, Dispatch Codes, and Dispatch Job Detail Notes. These entities now include the following changes:
1) Job Status from the main Dispatch page
2) Assigned Officer, from the main dispatch page as Humane Officer, Inspector, or Assigned To
3) Officer field now shows all officers/inspectors linked to the current status.