Day To Day Impact
Boarding - Services
For customers using our boarding module addon the boarding services page is now migrated from a static services page to the products & services module. When processing a boarding module the process won't change for users, they will be shown our standard products & services page where they can search and add for the service and this will be linked to the animal that is boarding at the shelter.
The most important thing will be after the upgrade to check administration > products & services and filter by boarding products. From here you can check that the boarding services have the correct prices set, and the correct taxes are included. The previous services module did not allow you to assign the services to a glcode so you can also set the glcode as part of reviewing the products.
Opt in to emails on animal updates
Shelter Buddy now has the option for users to be emailed with changes to a particular animal's status, selected notes in the General Animal Notes and if it is transferred to another location. Setup for this feature can be done via Administration > Opt In for Animal Updates which has options for creating groups of users to send emails to and also creating templates for the wording of the emails.
To subscribe a group of users or individual users to an animal's updates users can click on a new link "Email Updates" from the animal menu. From this new page users add the groups or individual email addresses. Once saved if an animals status is changed, or if an animal is transferred the people within the group or the individuals will get an email to notify them of the update.
From the animal's details page > general animal notes screen there is a new check box "Notify users who are following this animal". When this checkbox is ticked and the note updated users / groups will be emailed.
Users can unsubscribe from a link within the email if they no longer wish to receive emails for the animal. More information is available in hour help center.
The membership module has had some enhancements added. The membership type administration is now moved from Administration > edit drop down lists. It is now in Administration > Membership Administration. The membership type administration page has had an update to the new white layout page that is compatible with mobile devices and tablets. The date range feature of the membership type used to be restricted to just four date ranges, this is now unlimited.
The person details page also used to show "inactive" next to the member link if the person was inactive, this now shows the reason why they are inactive, for example if the member has had a lapsed payment, the membership link will show now "lapsed".
Membership reports have also had some updates, see below in the report section on what has changed.
Return to Habitat
The return to habitat process now includes the option for digital signature. If you have the digital signature module addon installed, you can access administration > signatures administration there is now the option for the return to habitat form. From here you can enable digital signatures for the return to habitat form. For processing the return to habitat animals the process will remain mostly the same except after applying the release to habitat status a new screen will load with the document number for the person to sign:
You can then give the tablet to the person to sign, and then when clicking the update button the receipt will load with the persons signature for you to print.
Vet Consultation
The vet consultation screen will now show the details of the animal at the top of the screen, this is so vets can double check they are entering the consult to the right animal. There is now a short cut to edit consultation notes from the consult screen as well so users don't have to navigate out of the consult screen to find the notes to edit.
Behavior Assessment (Detail) (673)
This report is updated to the new filter page for mobile and tablet devices.
Behavior Assessment (Summary) (674)
This report is updated to the new filter page for mobile and tablet devices.
Boarding - Income Total (357)
This report is updated to the new filter page for mobile and tablet devices.
Outgoing Detail List (Report 198)
The breed and secondary breed are now split, previously they were just one column.
Incoming Detail List (Report 197)
This report now has additional person fields such as person email and a break up of the address fields instead of just one combined address field.
Dispatch Numbers Report (124)
This report is updated to the new filter page for mobile and tablet device and it can now be exported to excel and other formats.
Membership Report (411)
This report is updated to the new filter page for mobile and tablet device. The filters such as region and membership types now allow for multiple options.
List Members By Member Type (442)
This report is now removed as it was a duplicate of the Membership Report (411) with the only difference was that multiple membership types was a filter, since this is now in the Membership Report this report is no longer needed.
Membership Export (726)
This report is updated to the new filter page for mobile and tablet device.
Member Numbers / Areas (26)
This report is updated to the new filter page for mobile and tablet device.
Adhoc Reporting Module
New Spay / Neuter (desex) Entity
This entity shows animals with a spay/neuter date in the last 3 years. It includes the vet clinic, the spay/neuter by; the statuses before and after the spay/neuter date, the source, and the outcome, as well as the usual basic animal data.