Products & Services - Adding Tax Types


This process takes you through how to set up different tax types so they work with the Products / Services module. 


  1. Click on the Administration link in the left-hand menu
  2. Find and click on the link Products / Services 
  3. In the line Tax Types click on the option Add
  4. Tax Name: Enter the name of your tax type (e.g. GST, PST)
  5. Tax Rate: Enter the percentage of the total relevant for this tax (e.g. 10, 5). Use whole numbers only, do not use the percentage symbol (%)
  6. GL Code / Account: Assign what account the tax should be allocated to. This is an auto-find field - the GL Code / Account must be set up in Administration > Edit Drop Down Lists > Accounts before this step. 
  7. Tax Inclusive: 
    • If the tax is to be included as part of the sale item's price, for example, GST, tick this box.
    • If the tax is only to display post-sale and not as part of the item display price, for example, PST, DO NOT tick this box. 
  8. Click Add Tax Type to finish. 

You can edit the name or GL Code / Account assigned to a tax by clicking Tax Types - Edit option, but Tax Rates and whether or not is inclusive cannot be amended once created.

NOTE: Tax types cannot be deleted or deactivated.

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