Corporate Partner


This process allows you to target specific files marked as Corporate Partners to your organisation.

  1. Search for the organisation or individual via the Welcome / Search page. If the record does not exist, you will need to create one.
  2. Click the Scroll to Bottom link 
  3. Locate and click the Person Category Corporate Partner
  4. Click the button Add to Corporate Partner
  5. Click Return to Person Details Page 
  6. Note that the Corporate Partner PC is now marked.

From here, you will be able to target this file using the Person Category options on report 1 "Mailing List" or via Fundraising > Target Audience Mailing ListsClick here for more information: Target Audience Mailing Lists Procedure

To remove an individual or organisation from the Corporate Partner list:

  1. Locate the required Person file
  2. Click the Scroll to Bottom link
  3. Locate and click the Person Category Corporate Partner
  4. Click the button Remove from Corporate Partner
  5. Click Return to Person Details Page
  6. Note that the Corporate Partner PC is no longer marked. 
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