What's the difference between "Physical Location" and "Shelter Location"?


A "Physical Location" (also known as "Region") is a shelter, adoption centre or similar usually identified by either the name of the organisation in question, or the suburb/city in which the location is situated. They are used to glean statistics, transfer animals back and forth and mark where users work. 

Only Shelter Buddy representatives can add new Physical Locations, so please contact support@shelterbuddy.com if you require one. 

A Physical Location must have at least one Shelter Location assigned to it before animals can be transferred there internally. 

A "Shelter Location" is a kennel or housing unit within a Physical Location where animals are housed on-site. They are usually identified using local vernacular so those working on-site understand exactly which building, structure or location the Shelter Location refers to. 

Shelter Locations can be further divided into "kennels", where a "Kennel" represents any kind of division within the shelter location, including cages, paddocks, aviaries and pens. 

Administration users have full access to create and maintain Shelter Locations and Kennels. 

See Add-Edit-Delete Shelter Locations for more information on creating / managing Shelter Locations and Add-Edit-Delete Kennel Numbers for managing Kennels. 

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