May 2016 Upgrade



Dispatch outcomes can now be assigned to one or more job types. This allow users to show an outcome for only a cruelty complaint and not ambulance requests for example. This can be set up via Administration -> Dispatch Administration -> Dispatch Request Outcome -> Maintain.

From this screen you can create a new outcome via the create button then you can tick which job types the outcome will show for. You can also delete the outcome which will only make it inactive so reports and historical jobs will not be affected. For creating or updating jobs the outcomes will still work the same, except you will only see outcomes for the job type selected for the job.

Animal Details - Flagging an animal as deleted
On the animal details page there is a check box to flag an animal as deleted. When this is now ticked and a reason to delete is given, no other validation checks will be given to this animal. This is to reduce entering in required information that is not necessary for an animal that will be deleted.

Membership Person Category
We have made some changes to the membership person category to better describe the persons membership status. When a member is made inactive a message will now show next to the person category link to say they are inactive. When a member is not approved a message will also show next to the person category link:

On the branch member person category page it will also show a message "this person is not a current member" if the person is not approved, lapsed, or inactive.

Boarding - Email & Pdf Receipts
The boarding module now has the links to open receipts as pdf (just like the animal details page) and also the ability to email the receipts as well. This works the same as the receipt links on the animal details page, as the links are now updated on the boarding details page.

Boarding - Note Counter
On the boarding details page the shelter notes field now has a counter, this is so users can see if there are notes they need to read when viewing the booking.

Virtual Shelter
There is a new view type added to the virtual shelter called "Empty + clean kennels", clicking this will shade kennels that either have 1 or more pets in them OR require cleaning. If you only house one pet per kennel, then this will mean that the kennel is unavailable and cannot be used. There is also a new button "save as my default view" so that users don't have to click to this view each time virtual shelter loads, they can instead choose the view they use most frequently and it will load by default..


General Reports Update
Reports that are using the new filter page, and have a check box drop down with groups, you can now click the group and all the options for that group will be checked.

Available Foster List (108)
This report is updated to our new filter page that is mobile friendly and it will remember the filters that are selected.

Shelter Statistics - In Care Report By Animal Type (229)
This report is updated to our new filter page that is mobile friendly and it will remember the filters that are selected.

List Volunteers Once By Role (431)
This report is updated to now include the jurisdiction / council field.

Volunteers By Role (389)
This report is updated to our new filter page that is mobile friendly and it will remember the filters that are selected, it also now includes the jurisdiction / council field as well.

Microchipped Animals Report (379)
This report is updated to include the email address of the owner.

*New Officer Activity Log (21)
This report shows the officers activity log for a given date range recorded via the dispatch summary page. It also includes the status history of the job during the time the officer was attending the job.

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