July 2016 Upgrade


Day To Day Impact
The order of fields on the scheduling appointment page has been updated to help users streamline how they enter appointments. The fields are now ordered so that the appointment type and location is selected first, followed by the person details. The create person button has also changed to be search / create so that users can search for the person using the advanced searching options before creating the person.

This standard basic search will still exist as you enter the person details (for example entering a phone number will show people that have that phone number entered in an auto complete). After performing the standard person search the appointment screen is loaded with the person linked:

Boarding - Kennel Plan
The kennel plan has had some updates for this release, when a kennel is closed via admin it will not show as an available kennel on the kennel plan. Previously the kennel was just excluded from availability searches. The boarding allocations on the kennel plan will also now show hover information when putting the mouse over the allocated kennel. It will display the pets name with a link to the animal details page and then also the boarding ID which will link to the boarding booking page.

Boarding Details - Searching for an available kennel
One a booking is made you can now clear the animals reserved kennels and reallocate. When viewing the boarding booking page you can click "view" under Boarding details, from here there will be a new check box, "Clear existing allocations for this animal and reallocate based on updated locations and preferences":

When checked this will clear existing reserved kennels for the booking from the current day onwards.

Vet Treatment History (Certificate)
There is now the option available to show rabies vaccines on the vet treatment history certificate. If you would like your site setup to show this information please contact support and we will set this up for you.

Dispatch - Vehicle Registrations
There is a new feature to record vehicle registrations for a person. This can be helpful for future cases if there is a sighting of a car, you can search to find the person that may own the vehicle. From the person details page under the dispatch link there is a new link "Vehicle Registrations". From here you can add a registration, view all registrations linked to the person and then also remove any registrations:

To search for a person based on the vehicle registration number you simply open the person advance search page from the main search page screen and towards the bottom is the field "Vehicle Registration".

Drug Administration
The drug administration area now has 2 new links to delete drugs and undelete drugs. Deleting drugs will still retain history in reports and animal records as "deleting" the drug will simply hide it from future selection by users.

The dashboard page is updated so that users may select other regions to view the locations & appointments in that region. Previously it would only show the users logged in region. From the dashboard page there is now a drop down to select the region.

Dispatch Stats By Suburb And Job Type (573)
This report is updated to the new report filter page so it can be used with mobile devices and the filter selections will be remembered. The officer's region is now also included as a new filter.

Found List (24)
This report is updated to the new report filter page so it can be used with mobile devices and the filter selections will be remembered. The animal's sub status is now a new filter and the animal received by field is also included as a column in the report output.

Animals Received By Report (summary) (597)
This report is updated to the new report filter page so it can be used with mobile devices and the filter selections will be remembered.

Medication Requirements(387)
This report is updated to the new report filter page so it can be used with mobile devices and the filter selections will be remembered. The report also now allows for multiple regions to be selected instead of just one.

Boarders Due In/Out (350)
This report now has a filter for boarding status instead of having the status hard coded.

Adhoc Reporting Module

There have been a lot of changes for the dispatch reporting. There are now new entities for Dispatch, including:
Dispatch Animal Summary (those entered without Shelter Buddy Animal IDs at the bottom of the Dispatch Job Edit page); Dispatch Inspections, Dispatch Inspection Animal Summary (those entered without Shelter Buddy Animal IDs at the bottom of the Inspection/Followup page); Dispatch Inspection Breaches, Dispatch Job Details Notes, Dispatch Related Job, and Dispatch Unconfirmed Persons.

Updates to Dispatch Animal entity includes the animal’s sex and current source. Updates to Dispatch Persons with some yes/no fields to specify if the person has a full name, contact or address entered into the system. Updates to Dispatch Summary to add yes/no for if there is a photo attached to the job, job count on the same street and job count on the same address.

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