June 2016 Upgrade


Animal Notes
There is now the option for animal note categories so they are not visible to the public. This is handy for when there are internal notes for the shelter that you do not want the public to view. The note categories can be configured via administration > edit drop down lists > Note Category. There is a new check box for public view-able:

This option when unticked, will mean that the vet notes will not print on the medical history form from the animal details page, and also that the notes will not be included in the API.

Mailing List Report (1)
This report has been updated to our new filter page so it will remember what was selected when running the report. There is also a new filter to filter the "great supporters" of your organisation (this is a checkbox on the person page), the report will now also include this as a column.

Adhoc Reporting Module
Staff Details
Staff details are now included with contact information and basic data from the Staff Details page for all staff entered, both active and inactive staff.

Volunteer Details
Volunteer details are also included with contact information and basic data from the Volunteer Details page for all volunteers entered, both active and inactive volunteers.

Physical Exam
This provides the findings for all physical exams in the last 3 years, including basic animal details. Each exam consists of a number of records, one for each exam area.

All microchips entered into Shelter Buddy with related animal data and the person data who is currently linked to the animal.

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