Why are costs appearing on receipts when I didn't add them?


If there is just one product/service associated with a process such as the intake of Strays, Owner Surrender, Emergency Boarding etc, then the system will treat it as a default fee and it will automatically add this to every process. This could be why the same fee appears on every same-source transaction you perform. This will continue until such a time as the product is disabled or additional products are added to select.

However, if the products are more numerous than just one, or if they vary from receipt to receipt with same-source processes, then the above is not the cause.

So then why do Vet Treatments and other items appear on my receipts when I didn't add them?

You may find that Vet Treatments unexpectedly appear on receipts when you are sure that you didn't add them, and you don't generally charge for these items. 

So how does this happen, and how can you prevent it?

It can happen in a few ways but it all starts with this truth: If a Vet Treatment, Medication or Procedure is linked to Products and Services so you can track the costs, and it is added to an Animal page and marked "Charge to Customer", it will jump onto the first available receipt linked to that animal, regardless of what type of receipt it is. 

Likewise, if the Person file has Products & Services linked to them that are marked "Charge to Customer" they will also jump onto the first available receipt linked to that person, which may well be one linking the person to an animal.  

But I didn't mark any of them "Charge to Customer" so why is it happening?

You may not have deliberately marked them "Charge to Customer" but most items are marked this way by default.

Simply adding the item or treatment to the animal's file is enough for it to be marked "Charge to Customer". This is how items often end up marked "Charge to Customer" without the user realising it; because they didn't physically do it to mark it so and this is different to what happens with routine Vet Treatments, Medications etc. 

So how do you know if an item is marked "Charge to Customer"?

Open the Products and Services link in the Animal or Person Menu and if there are items recorded there, look for the column "Charge to Customer" and take note of whether or not the boxes in that column are marked with a tick or not.

If they are, they will jump on the next receipt. If they are not, they will remain passive.

You can untick these boxes at any time and that will prevent them from appearing on receipts.

What if I forget to check before I process an animal and I notice there are treatments on the Product page that shouldn't be there?

If you forget to deactivate them before you process an animal out of care, then you have two more opportunities to deal with them.

Option 1: Remove it/them before the Receipt Page loads

You can simply open the Products & Services pop up from a processing page such as the Adoption Processing Page or the Reclaim / Licence Processing Page and untick the items the same way you would from the Animal Menu. However, if the animal is being processed into care and the user is offered the Product Added page then the products can be unticked or removed from here too:


Option 2: Remove it/them from the Receipt Creation page. 

From the Receipt Processing page, there is also an option to delete these products from the receipt:

Please note that if you remove the products from here, it does not subtract the amount from the total so you would still need to adjust to account for that. 

Once complete, either of these methods will mean the products will not show on this receipt. If they were simply removed and not un-marked for "Charge to Customer" they will still jump onto the next receipt after this. 

For any enquiries about this please contact support@shelterbuddy.com.


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