Voucher / Certificate Type - Administration


This process enables you to set up vouchers / certificates / coupons to be issued to your clients for various purposes.

You require access to the Administration menu to process this function.

  1. In the orange left hand menu, locate and click on the link Administration
  2. From the resulting menu, locate and click on the link Voucher / Certificate Type Administration

To ADD a new Voucher:

  1. Click the link Add New Voucher / Certificate Type
  2. Name: Enter the name of your voucher. It should be something easily recognised and understood by your users.
  3. Numbering: Select from the drop down if you would like the vouchers to be numbered automatically by Shelter Buddy when they are issued, or if you would like the voucher number to be added manually (e.g. if you are having something printed externally and the vouchers need to match)
  4. Does expire? Select an option to indicate if the voucher will expire or not.
    • If the option Yes is selected, enter in the text box below how long  before expiry. This number represents the number of months the voucher will be valid for after the issue date and must not be a decimal value except .5.
  5. Voucher / Certificate Value: Enter the dollar amount the voucher is worth if applicable.
  6. Is this a "Spay / Neuter" Voucher / Certificate: If the voucher is solely for the purpose of redeeming for spay / neuter services, tick this box. 
  7. Voucher is transferable to another person? If the voucher can be redeemed by someone other than the person it was issued to, tick this box.
  8. Voucher has a sale price? If the voucher is to be purchased at the time of issue, tick this box.
  9. General Ledger Code: 
    • Click the Accounts link to assign the voucher a GL Code that will auto-assign to any relevant receipts. 
    • Once an account is assigned, and the receipt type saved, you can enter specific verbiage if you require.
  10. Active: make sure your voucher / certificate is marked as Active so users will be able to issue it.
  11. Click Save to complete.
  12. The page will refresh and two new links will now be available:
    • Update Receipt WordingClick this link to open a pop up window with a canvas you can type verbiage specific to this type of voucher / certificate. This wording will appear on it's receipts. 
    • (+) Add New RangeBefore you can issue a voucher, you must first allocate how many are available. If the numbering is set to automatic Shelter Buddy will select the first available number from this range when issuing vouchers, until the range is exhausted. If manual numbering is selected, users must enter a voucher number from within this range for it to be accepted. Numbers outside of the range will be rejected. 
  13. Click Save to save your changes.
  14. Click Return to Voucher / Certificate Administration PageYour new voucher / certificate type will now be listed in a row with a summary of pertinent information.
  15. To change the settings at any time, or to add a new number range, click the Edit link at the end of the row for the required voucher / certificate to return to the details page. 


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