February 2016 Upgrade


Day To Day Impact
Creating Receipts
There has been a slight change to how receipts are created. If you are selecting the allocation of receipts the field has changed from a popup window to an "auto complete" field. So now instead you can type in the account name or GL code and options matching your search will be listed for you to select.

The campaign field is now moved to the allocation. This will allow you to allocate individual amounts to each campaign (if the receipt is for multiple campaigns). Any previous receipts with campaigns will be updated to assign the campaign to an allocation based on the campaigns default GL code.

Animal Fosters
The animal foster process has been updated to ensure the correct process is followed. The foster statuses will now only be available for selection if the users is going through the foster parent link from the person details page, or if the animal has an existing foster status (in this instance maybe changing the status from "in foster" to "available for adoption - in foster".

Report Criteria
We are starting to roll out changes to reports so that once they have been run and the results are showing, you can click the link "Return to report criteria" and the report criteria page remembers what options you chose previously. This will make running multiple reports with slight changes to the criteria much easier. The reports that have this new change will load with the white background and new style of controls. The reports that have been updated as part of this release with the new criteria memory feature is:

  • Region Statistics (345)
  • Lyssavirus Vaccination Report (110)
  • Outgoing Animals - Agencies/Shelter Groups (236)
  • DOA - Stray Intake (534)
  • Shelter admission and fate summary (606)
  • Adoptions Per Day (684)
  • Adopters Report (222)
  • Scheduled Surgery Report (181)
  • Products & Services Sold Report (665)

More reports will be updated with this new feature each ShelterBuddy upgrade.

Report Export to Excel
Some reports will now have an option to select whether to export to excel with or without formatting. When clicking the excel export button a popup will show where you can select with formatting or without formatting. The option to select with formatting will include all the headings and totals and will look how the report looks on screen. If no formatting is chosen then the excel format is a straight spreadsheet without any formatting - this is handy if you would like to do custom sorting on your report.

External Rabies
The person category for External Rabies has been updated so that now you can select animals linked to the person instead of searching for the animal by ID or other details. The printed form is also updated to include more navigation options, it now now includes links to the main search page and also back to the person record.

Person Merge
The administration area for person merge has had an update to make it more powerful and take out the manual work in merging people. Besides the new look of the function page, you will notice the initial page is much the same as it was before: you still have two fields to put the Person ID numbers into, and it still has a preview page where you can select which primary file to keep and which Mailing and Physical Address to keep as current. It also it now has an additional preview page where it previews more information that will be kept during the merge process. Additionally, some often requested fields will now also be included in the merge process so they don’t need to be updated manually, including (but not limited to):

  • Person Photo
  • Discussion Notes
  • Volunteer Notes
  • Donor Notes
  • Bequest Notes
  • Wildlife Carer Notes
  • Volunteer Details (including logins)
  • Wildlife Carer details
  • Bequest Details
  • Foster Details (including property check information for dogs and cats)

Once merged, a success message will appear and you will return to the start page.

Adopted List Report (196)
This report is updated now so that the field "Rabies given / due" is now split in between two date fields. This is so you can sort by either date field when exporting to excel.

Adopters Report (222)
This report is updated to include the google map plots for the adopters residential address.

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