Bite / Scratch Incidents
Users can now delete and undelete bite / scratch incidents. From the bite / scratch incident page there is now a link in the top menu, "Delete". Clicking this will remove the bite scratch incident from showing on reports or the animal's history. There is an option to undelete in case a mistake is made and the incident was not meant to be deleted.
Animal Care Requests / Vet Reminders
The animal care request popup now has the ability to select a category. Categories are setup via administration > edit drop down lists > Vet Reminder / Care Request Category.
The category drop down will show on the animal care request popup:
and also on the consultation page as well for vet reminders.
Medical History Report Email
The email option for the medical history report is now a little different, you can change the body of the email, and also the hide/show options on the form will translate over to the form that is emailed.
Dispatch - Investigation Status
A new field is now included on the dispatch inspection details page to track the status of an investigation. This is different to the dispatch status where this field is only for the investigation follow up after the call has been taken and the initial call out has been made.
This includes a history that you can access by clicking the (H) link next to the field. Options for this field can be setup via Administration -> Edit Drop Down Lists -> Dispatch Investigation Status. The following reports have a filter added so you can run reports by the investigation status field and also view the current status in the report results:
- Calls By Officer
- Dispatch Service Standard
- Dispatch Stats by Cruelty Code
Dispatch Instructions
The instructions popup from the dispatch investigation page now has a new drop down titled "Instruction Type". This is to categorize the type of instruction that is issued. Options can be added to this via Administration > Edit Drop Down Lists > Dispatch Instruction Types. The Instructions Issued Report has been updated to include a new group by option to group by instruction type as well.
Dispatch Inspector Checklist
The dispatch investigation details page now has a new check box list so that officers can have a checklist for their investigations. This allows officers to keep track of what has and has not been completed for the investigation. The checklist options can be added via Administration > Edit Drop Down Lists > Dispatch Inspector Checklist.
Adopters Report (222)
This report is updated so that multiple animal types and multiple regions can be selected. Also the report was previously showing the current animal type, instead of the animal type at time of adoption (e.g. kitten at time of adoption instead of cat).
Adoptions by Jurisdiction / Council (274)
This report is updated to filter by multiple regions and multiple jurisdictions / councils, this report also now exports to excel with no formatting to make manipulation in excel easier.
Hold List (4)
This report now has a filter to select multiple animal types.
Adoptions by Jurisdiction / Council Report(274)
This report will now have the option to include the owners physical address where previously it was just the mailing address.
Surrender Detail List Report (377)
This report will now include an option to show the company name of a person.
Vet Reminder Report (96)
A new option is added to filter by reminder categories, and the option to show the category in the report as well.
*New Animals By Source (734)
This report shows animals from the selected sources and regions. It has the option to show the person details at the time of the source, or their current person details.
Adhoc Reporting Module
Dispatch Summary Entity
Animal Protection Officer Region added to the Dispatch Summary entity. This may be named Inspector Region or Humane Officer Region on your site. Note the Officer Region is the officer's login region.