November 2015 Upgrade


Day To Day Impact
Animal Details
From the animal details page, the lost / found address and lost / found fields have been broken out of the "Status Details" section and made into their own "Lost / Found Details". This minor layout change was required for our new google mapping integration due to be released soon, but the change should make it easier to find these fields when adding / updating / viewing an animal.

Bite / Scratch Incident Forms
The bite / scratch incident forms can now be emailed. One the form loads it will now include an "email" link at the top. Clicking this will allow you to enter an email address and then this will convert the form to a pdf and email it to the recipient.

Dispatch - Inspection / Follow ups
Now when you add a new inspection or followup to a dispatch job, the "Date attended" defaults to the current date and time. This is to make data entry just a little easier for inspections.

Search Groups
Under administration search groups can be setup based on source / status / and until just recently also sub-status. The search group can be used on the advanced animal search page, but this was not including sub status. We have not just updated the search group in the animal advanced search so it does cater for the sub status setup the search group administration.

When adding an appointment and the person exists in the system already, you can now update their name / phone / email from the appointment screen. Name changes will be saved automatically, however phone and emails can be tricky because there are different options with these such as home, cell, work for phone, and multiple emails. If the system cannot work out where to save the phone or email you will be prompted with this dialog for you to choose:

Selecting the phone option of home, work, cell/mobile will replace any existing phone for a person. The email options allow you to add the email as a new email address, or to replace a specific email address for that person, or to replace all for that person.
Incare Inventory (226)
This report will now have the option to show the alternative placement field for an animal.

User Login Report (633)
The user filter was only allowing users to select active users, this has been updated to include inactive users as well.

User Detail Report (243)
This report has been updated to include multiple regions as the filter, to include the date the user was made inactive, and the adoption counselor field. This report also now has all the export options to excel and pdf, etc.

Transferred Animals List(250)
This report has been updated to include multiple regions as the filters for transferred from and transferred to, and it now also has all the export options to excel and pdf, etc.

Citations Issued (522)
This report will now show the person the citation was issued to.

Ad hoc Reporting
Below are some of the changes made to the ad hoc reporting tool:

Vet Treatments Due
This new entity shows animals in care who have vet treatments due. Treatments include tests, vet treatments, and vaccines. It shows the same attributes as the In Care Inventory entity, plus the Vet Treatment Type, Treatment Name, and Date Due.

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