Add, Edit, Delete Microchip Implanter Names


This process updates the Microchip Implanter drop down list that is linked to the Edit Animal Details page, the Medical Notes page, the License Details page and the Adoption Details page. 

You must have access to the Administration menu to process this function.

  • Click on the Administration link in the Orange Menu on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Click on the Edit Drop Down Lists

To Add a microchip implanter:

  • Locate the Microchip Implanter
  • Click on the Add link to add a new microchip Implanter name. This will generate a popup window.
  • Name: enter the name of the Microchip Implanter.
  • Licence: enter the licence number for the implanter
  • Click Add Microchip Implanter. The popup window will disappear.

To Edit a microchip implanter:

  • Locate the Microchip Implanter
  • Click on the Edit link to alter an existing microchip implanter name. This will generate a popup window.
  • Name: click on the down arrow to select the microchip implanter name to be altered.
  • New Name: enter the new / correct microchip implanter name.
  • Licence: enter the implanter's licence number.
  • Click Edit Microchip Implanter. The popup window will disappear.

To Delete a microchip implanter:

  • Locate the Microchip Implanter
  • Click on the Delete link to delete an existing microchip implanter name. This will generate a popup window.
  • Name: click on the down arrow to select the microchip implanter name to be deleted.
  • Click Delete Microchip Implanter. Click to confirm you want to delete.  The popup window will disappear.

NOTE: deleted microchip implanters will still be visible historically against any microchip they implanted previously, they just will not display for records moving forwards. 

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