Volunteer Shift Times
Assigning Volunteer Shift Times to a role has been upgraded to make it easier to use and to assign shifts times to different locations. Instead of finding the appropriate shift in a long list of all possible shift times, adding the maximum number of persons who can work that shift and then repeating for every day the shift is available, all you need to do is navigate to the role page (Admin > Volunteer Admin > Rostering > # roles configured) and click Shift Times.
You will notice the page looks different. There will be breadcrumb links at the top to lead you back to previous pages if you need to. Any existing shifts will display with the number of positions assigned to them per day in a table across the middle of the page.
You can edit existing shifts by clicking on the name of the shift, or you can delete them by clicking the Delete button at the end of the row. NB: you can delete a shift even if there are volunteers assigned to work that shift, so use caution. To add new shifts and positions, click the Add New Positions button and begin to type in the Shift field to assign a shift time. The field is auto-complete so as you type more letters it will offer you options to select. Once the shift is added, you can add the number of available positions available per day by entering whole numbers against each day of the week below. When all the positions have been entered, click Save to update.