Vet Clinic
Vet clinics can now be restricted to only show for certain regions. This is so the list can be smaller and easier to navigate and only show the clinics for the region you are logged in to. These can be setup via admin > edit drop down lists > Clinics. Leaving the region field blank in admin will mean it will show for all regions.
Vets can now be restricted to only show for certain regions. This is so the list can be smaller and easier to navigate and only show the vets for the region you are logged in to. These can be setup via admin > edit drop down lists > Vets. Leaving the region field blank in admin will mean it will show for all regions.
When entering a bequestors details, they can now be linked to a region. This is so each location can maintain their own bequestors and for reports to be run based on region. If bequestors are managed by a head office, then the details can either set to the head office or to an individual region depending on how the reports need to be broken up.
Sub-Status For Outgoing Statuses
The sub status field is now available for outgoing statuses. Sub statuses can be setup via the existing administration screen (Administration > Edit Drop Down Lists > Sub-Status) and can now be set for outgoing statuses. Outgoing screens pages as adoptions and the regular animal details page will now have the sub status field available to select the sub status.
New Modules
We have a new scheduling module available that can be used as a wide range of scheduling options such as spay/neutering scheduling, surrender scheduling, general clinic etc.
We have these videos available online that are a brief demo of the features currently available for this module:
Scheduling Administration: http://youtu.be/YzA227Wfb50
Scheduling Dashboard & Appointments: http://youtu.be/Cmx_Z0KhWIg
If you are interested in more information please email support@shelterbuddy.com for our online guides.
Outgoing Detail List Report (198)
The incoming city / suburb and sub status are now options to show on this report. There is also now a new option to filter animals by their sub-status.
Incoming Detail List Report (197)
The following fields are now included as an option to show on this report:
- Primary Microchip
- Other Identification
- Status History Date
Available for Adoption Report (3)
This report now lets you select the statuses as filters for the report. If none are selected then the report reverts back to its original default statuses of all the available for adoption statuses.
Incare Inventory Report (226)
This report now has options to include the foster return date and the foster reasons for animals.
Shelter Statistics Outgoing Report (10)
This report now has a new option to filter animals by their sub-status.
Adopted List Report (196)
This report now has a new option to filter animals by their sub-status, and an option to include the animals outgoing sub status.
Adopters Report (222)
This report now has a new option to filter animals by their sub-status, and an option to include the animals outgoing sub status.