April 2015 Upgrade


Animal Details – Sub-Status Lock
A new checkbox is now included under the Sub-Status field called “lock”. When this is ticked, if an animal’s status changes and the same sub status is listed under the new status, then the current sub-status will be locked and it won’t be cleared. This is helpful for the situations where an animal status needs to change but the sub-status still needs to remain the same.

Detailed Donations By GL Code (629)
The receipt’s appeal category is now included in this report.

Incoming Detail List (197)
This report now has the option to include the previously microchipped field of an animal.

Animals Received (246)
This report now has the option to list the special tag field of an animal.

Microchip Implant Report (572)
A new sort option has been added when generating the report.

Voucher Report (657)
The voucher number will now display on the report.

Adopted List Report (196)
Adoption Amount has been added as option to show in the report.

Adopters Report (222)
Adoption Amount has been added as option to show in the report.

*New Species List (713)
This report allows you to download a spreadsheet of all the active species, including class, type, and breed. This allows you to review and make changes via administration as needed.

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