May 2015 Upgrade


Day To Day Impact

Animal Holds

The animal hold popup has been updated so that the start and end dates now include times.  This is so users can now hold an animal until a certain time instead of being restricted to the next day.  The hold screens have also received the makeover to the new ShelterBuddy skin.


Wildlife Carer Details

The specialty checkboxes can now be added /edited / removed from Administration > edit drop down lists > Wildlife Specialty.

Wildlife Carer Search (for dispatch jobs)

There are now new options when searching for wildlife carers to rescue animals as part of a dispatch job.  You can now search by the carers selected availability from the wildlife carers page, search by postcode instead of only suburb / city, and you can search for the person's name or ID.

The search results have been updated so now you can record the number of times a carer has been called and the number of jobs they have accepted.  Using this information you can now identify who you are contacting the most to share the work with other carers that may not have had any calls.
Using the "tried to call" link will show fields that you can enter to say the reason why the person did not accept the job after the call and any relevant notes.
Clicking the (H) link will show the job history broken up into the current week, month, and older.  You can also now see in the results the carer's availability, so if the job is after hours you can make sure the carer is available after hours to be called.  The search results now also show the last 3 jobs the carer attended so you have an idea on how much work load the carer has had recently.  These are links to each individual job so you can see the full details if need be.

Wildlife Rehabilitation

The wildlife rehabilitation process on ShelterBuddy has been updated to include some new features.  Previously it was very closely tied to the foster process in the backend, so we separated this so we could create a new page and add a new field to record the reason for rehabilitation and the return reason.  This new page is using our new ShelterBuddy skin:
Rehab reasons and return reasons can accept multiple reasons and all the details entered here will display on the printed form that is displayed once save is clicked.  Wording can be added to this form by emailing support.  The return reasons and rehab reasons can be maintained via administration > edit drop down lists.

Wildlife Release

The wildlife release to carer has been simplified to now only requiring a status change of the animal to "Released to Wildife Rehabilitator".  No other details are required to be entered and no printed form will be included.  The wildlife summary page available from the animal menu can be used to print and share with the carer.

Voucher Administration

Voucher types can now be made inactive.  When made inactive the voucher types can no longer be issued to people, however they can still be redeemed.  To make a voucher type inactive navigate to administration > Voucher / Certificate Type Administration > Edit.  From here there will be a checkbox to untick for active.


Incare Inventory Report (226)
This report will now include options to show the foster parent of the animal as well as the hold interested party person Id and name.

Postcode Report - Adopters (438)
This report has been updated to export to excel, previously it would export page numbers and formatting and would be difficult to sort and manipulate.

Incoming Detail List (197)
This report now has the option to show the Days In Foster.

Agency Outgoing Stats Summary (273)
This report is now updated to export to excel and to be faster to load.

Dispatch Animals Report (382)
This report is also updated to export to excel and to now also includes the option to display city and zip / postal code on the report.
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