June 2015 Upgrade


Day To Day Impact

Identification Types & Services

For any identification types that are set up in admin with the check box "Is this for microchipping", the microchip will now be mandatory when entering an animal via the "Identification Type & Services" module.  If an ID type that is set up in admin does not have the "Is this for microchipping" option checked, then it will not require the microchip field to be entered.

Medication Sheet

The medication sheet is been updated so that the dates for the medication show down the site instead of headings.  This is to allow for larger medication date ranges and for the new options we have added.

The medication sheet now includes more options so that it can be tailored to how you would like it printed.  Once the medication sheet displays there is a link at the top "Options".  From here you can change the format of the medication sheet:

1.  Merged Medication Sheets: this is the existing option where you cane either have each medication as its own separate page and section, or merge them into the one calendar table.

2.  Include the medications from their original start date, previously you could only show medications based on the current date.

3.  Duration can now be selected to either the current default of 7 days, or a month (4 weeks), or for every date the medication is due.


Bite / Scratch Incident

When entering a bite / scratch incident report there is now a new field "Reported By".  This can be maintained via administration > edit drop down lists > Bite Reported By.  This field would typically be used to capture who reported the bite, for example, a hospital, the victim, an agency etc.

A new victim option has also been included, now you can link the victim to an existing person ID.  From the victim section of the bite report, you simply select the "person ID" option and then enter the person ID.  If the person is found then a green success message will show.


Wildlife Summary

The wildlife summary now has a new link at the top "Hide / Show Options".  Clicking this will give the option to include the physical exam and the wildlife exam.  If you want these options to default without having to use this link you can set them via administration > wildlife exam form options.


Dispatch Stats By Cruelty Code (32)

Two new filters have been added to this report so that you can now filter by the animal class and type of initial animals taken at time of entering the job (ie. not the actual animal records with animal ID's that are linked to a job).

Detailed Dispatch Summary (589)

A new filter and column is added to this report on the dispatch job establishments.

*New Lost / Found Activity Report (717)

This report shows detail or statistics for Lost and Found animals in a date range. To be included in this report, the animal has to have the source of Lost or Found. The purpose of this report is to see the number of lost or found animals and the result, similar to an outcome. Lost and Found are informational sources and their statuses are also informational, so the outcome is the last status entered for the animal against that source.

*New Wildlife Carer / Rescuer Report (718)

This report is to track current information on wildlife carers/rescuers and to enable users to find the carers information to update it routinely. 
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