Adoption Return Procedure


This is how to bring an animal back into the system that is being returned by the animal’s owner or an agent of the owner within a specified time frame after being adopted. Animals returning to care outside of this time frame should be processed as Owner Surrenders. 

This procedure assumes that the adopter and the animal are both in the Shelter Buddy system.

  1. Obtain the animal’s ID.
  2. Search for the Person returning the animal.
  3. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link in the upper left-hand section of the screen and click on the Returns link in the Personal Categories
  4. On the Animal Returns page click Return Existing Animal *. A list of the animals the person has adopted will appear; click on the Return link next to the appropriate animal.  This will take you to the Edit Animal Details
    • *If the animal is not linked to the person returning the animal click on the Return animal not linked to person
    • Go To Animal ID: enter the animal ID and click The Edit Animal Details page will display.
  1. Complete the following:
    • Identification Details
      • Status: click on the down arrow to select the appropriate status based on the reason why the person is returning the animal to you. The most common statuses used when an animal that was adopted out is returned are Available For Adoption or Awaiting Vet Exam / Health Check
    • Animals Details
      • Ensure all of the animals existing details are up to date.
      • Circumstance: click on the down arrow and select Return. This will amend the Date Due Out.
    • Status Details
      • Physical Location: if this does not default click on the down arrow and select the animal’s physical location.
      • Shelter Location: Click on the down arrow to select the appropriate location the animal will be placed in within your shelter.
      • If known, click on the down arrow and select the kennel number of the kennel the animal will be placed in. If not known, this can be done after the animal has been placed.
      • Due Date Out: If the animal’s status is being set to Awaiting Sort and needs to be held for a period of time, check the number here is correct or enter the number of days that will be required.
      • Date Out / Lost: This field will be populated with the date the animal was adopted.  Click on the Calendar Icon and click Clear Date.
      • Return Reason: click on the down arrow and select the appropriate reason for the return.
      • Other Return Reason: If the reason the animal is being returned does not appear in the selection in the drop-down list, select "Other" as the primary reason for return, and then enter an additional reason to qualify a more specific reason.
      • NB: it is recommended that you select from the pre-loaded options wherever possible and remember they don't have to be worded precisely the same way - for example, reasons such as "child is frightened of dog" or "kids tease the cat" may both come under a reason such as "Kids not good with animals". Further explanation can be added to the General Animal Notes if required. This helps track reasons animals are being returned statistically - "other" tends not to be a useful statistic.
      • Return Date: The date will default to today’s date. Click on the Calendar Icon to select the date the animal was returned if this is incorrect.
      • Click Update Details.
  2. This takes you to the Adoption Return Questionnaire. If your site doesn't collect information here for returned animals, skip to the next step. If it does require this information, complete all applicable questions.  Click Update + Print. 
    • This will generate a popup window displaying the Adoption Return Questionnaire to be printed and signed by the returning client.
    • Click Print Form.
    • Click Close Window.
  3. The main window has opened to the Receipt Type
  4. Click on either Receipt or Refund Receipt *.
  5. *If Receipt was clicked, this will create a receipt that allocates a positive amount. Select this option if your organisation charges a fee to return an animal, and make sure the amount is assigned an allocated here. Collect the client's signature (if enabled for digital signatures) and click Update + Print.
  6. *If Refund Receipt was clicked, this will create a refund receipt that allocates a negative amount. Select this option if your organisation offers a refund of fees, and complete the following:
    • Refund Method: click on the down arrow to select the method of refunding the client. EX: credit card reimbursement, check refund to issued, cash, etc. 
    • Refund Amount$: enter the amount to be refunded.
    • Complete applicable fields based on the refund method.
    • Ensure there is a designated allocation selected.
    • If your site is enabled for digital signatures, have the client sign now.
    • Click Update + Print.
  7. If your site isn't digital signature enabled, print two copies of the receipt, and have the adopter sign your copy.
  8. If your site is digital signature enabled, return to the Animal Details page and email the receipt once the PDF has generated. 

Don’t forget to:

  • Complete the Animal Behaviour questions located in the Animal Menu on the right side of the Edit Animal Details page, if required.
  • Print out a Kennel Card.
  • Add any applicable notes to the General Animal Notes link in the Animal Menu on the right side of the Edit Animal Details.
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