April 2014 Upgrade



Volunteer – Recording No Shows

Staff can now record when a volunteer does not show up to their shift.  When using the volunteer sign on module, if a volunteer does not sign on to their shift then they will show in the “no show” list.  Staff can access this list from Administration > Volunteer Administration > Volunteer No Shows:

Users can search for all missed shifts by location and date range, and a list is generated.  The volunteer details are shown so that staff can call the volunteer to find out why they missed the shift.  They can then enter notes and select the reason they did not show up for their shift.

Reasons can be added to the drop down via the volunteer administration page, as well as custom icons.  Icons are used when rostering volunteers for the sign on module, as an indicator that the volunteer has not shown up previously.  Icons can be different for the number of shifts they have missed, so for example a blue icon for 1 missed shift, a green icon for 2, etc.  This can all be setup via volunteer administration page.

Receipts – Pay Later

For customers that are unable to pay for their receipt, they now have a “pay later” option.  Users will create a receipt as per normal, and in the payment drop down list they will select “pay later”:

Once the receipt is entered the printed receipt will show the customer that they have money outstanding.  Users will then also be shown links to enter the remaining payments.  These links are displayed on the original receipt that was flagged as “pay later”:

Users have the options of making a partial payment or paying the remainder of the outstanding debt.  When making a payment, the allocation will automatically default to the systems pay later account.  This is setup via Administration > Receipt Administration > Pay Later Setup.  Once a payment is made against the receipt the receipt history is printed for the customer on their printed receipt, but it also displays on the receipt pages to give the user an overview of what is outstanding and what has been paid for.

Animal Care Request – Extra details

More details will now show on the popup for animal care request notes, the date the request was created in the system now displays as an extra column, the requested by will now show the full person’s name, not just their username.


Addresses – Zip Code Suffix

US addresses can now have a zip code suffix entered.  Previously only 5 digits of the address zip code could be entered.

Virtual Shelter – Ipad

The virtual shelter has had a minor update to work with tablets such as the ipad.  Users can now tap a kennel to see what pets are in the kennel, and then tap another etc.


Vet Consultation Listing (552)

The filters physical location & shelter location will now let users select multiple options to run the report for multiple locations.


Media Animal Stories (664)

The shelter location and physical location of the animal is now included on the report.


*New Matched Report (693)

This report shows detail or statistics for Lost and Found animals that were matched. Matching statuses include Matched, Returned Home, and Deceased. To be included in this report, the animal has to have one of these statuses as the last status in Status History linked to the source of Lost or Found.


The purpose of this report is to track how many animals are being matched vs returned home, to study how long animals remain missing, as well as tracking statistics such as whether there are higher results connected to physical areas.

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