May 2014 Upgrade



License Fee Administration

Through License administration > Additional license fees accounts you can now set jurisdiction specific fees as well as region fees. When issuing a license, if the issuing authority has accounts set up for any of the fees used (replacement, late etc) then the jurisdiction accounts should be used on the receipt by default, not the region ones.

Volunteer Sign on Module – No Shows

For customers using our advanced volunteer sign on module, there are additional features that have been added to the volunteer no show portion:

  1. An active filter so that only active volunteers can be listed in the no show area (this is good for back dating of old shifts)
  2. If a volunteer has had their hours manually entered then they will not show up in the “no show” list.

Vet Consultations

The list consultation and print consultation pages are now updated to include the vet reminder notes, this is so users can easily see what the request for the consult was for.



Regular Payment Exclusion Report (694)

New fields have been added to this report for salutation, the last payment date, amount of donation, start date and credit card type.


PetSmart Rescue Waggin Report (609)

This report has updated data to meet the current needs of the PetSmart Rescue Waggin forms.


Costed Clinic Detail Listing Report (654)

This report will now include an option for finalized or not finalized.


Science Diet Adopter Report (630)

As per changes to the hills template 2 new columns, adoption location and retail partner.  Retail partner will always show blank because we don't capture this information, retail partners are usually setup as their own regions.  The adoption location is the region the pet was adopted from.


Regular Payment List Report (475)

This report has new filters added so that users can query differences in donation amount for analysis of the data or follow up with the donor.

  1. An option for status date range so you can run the report for status changes for the week or month.
  2. A date range to run for changes in amounts.
  3. The amount change reason added to show on the report


Audit Trail Report (119)

Vet consultations updates now show on this report so you can view which users edited the consultation.


In Care Inventory Report (226)

New options around the animal photo are added to this report.  The options include:

  1. To show the pet photo
  2. Option to show if the pet’s photo has “upload to public” ticked
  3. Link to clear all options
  4. Option to display icons linked to the animal record.
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