August 2014 Upgrade


Day to Day Impact

Animal – Special Cleaning

The animal special cleaning fields have been replaced with the new kennel cleaning module.  This new module is using an updated ShelterBuddy design and will look a little different to the rest of the system.  The below screen shot shows the differences.  Please note this is only for new modules such as kennel cleanings, the existing shelter buddy modules will still be the current blue design.

More information on the new kennel cleaning area is included in a separate quick reference guide.


Kennel Barcodes

The kennel barcodes can now be printed with different sized barcodes.  This is for problems where the barcodes cannot be scanned if the barcode was too small.  When using the print barcode page a new option will be available to select the size.

Volunteer Locations

Volunteer locations can now be entered via administration > volunteer administration > volunteer locations:


Entering the location will show up in reports, the volunteer details screen and the volunteer roster.

Vet Treatments – Test Results.

Previously, the results of any vet treatment test was limited to just a few options which was adequate but not ideal. We are very pleased to introduce a new way to approach vet treatment tests to make their results not only customizable but more informative as well.


Administration Changes

There are two new test result set-up options available in Administration > Edit Drop Down Lists:


Vet Treatment Test Result

This quick entry admin screen allows you to add the primary result for a medical test, e.g. Positive or Negative. All existing test results will auto-populate to this list.

Vet Treatment Test Result Type

This quick entry admin screen allows you to add variables to the possible results for a medical test, e.g. Roundworm, Hookworm, Whipworm, Tapeworm etc. This is an all new list for you to populate.

To Add a new Vet Treatment Test Result to an Animal file, simply add the test as you always have. If the test has only normal results (e.g. positive, negative), then it will display in the same way it always has.

If the test has additional test result types linked to it (e.g. Roundworm, Hookworm etc), then two drop downs will be shown. The drop down on the left will offer the result types (e.g. roundworm), the drop down on the right will offer the standard results (e.g. positive).  If the animal has a negative result to the test, you can leave the first drop down blank and simply enter “negative” into the second box – no need to add it for each possible outcome of the test.


There will also appear on all test results (+) and (-) icons. Click (+) to add more drop downs for multiple results, or use (-) to remove result options added erroneously.



Notes can now be entered against a citation that is entered via the legal proceedings page.

Adoption Fees

Adoption fees can now default based on an animal’s age.  For example if you want a fee to default for animals between 6 months and 12 months you can set this up via administration > adoption administration > adoption fees:

 The age will be based on the pets DOB only and the fee will not show on the adoption page unless the animal fits in between the age brackets.  From the animal details page the fee will also be listed as an option, and if the pet automatically ages, the fee will be reset to blank.


PDF reports will now show a footer message “Report Generated by ShelterBuddy Software”, this is because it is not always clear where the reports have come from.


In Care Inventory Report (226)

A new order by option for the sub status is now included.


Inactivated Volunteers (512)

A new filter for locations has been included and the location as well as the inactive reason will now show on this report.


Adopted List Report (222)

This report now has an option to show the pet photo.


License Certificate Report (372)

The following fields are now included in the report: physical address, work phone, mobile/cell phone, email, rabies exempt reason.


Animals Received By Report (598)

The status was listed as current status, we have updated it to show the last status linked to how that animal was received in.


Total Length of Stay (272)

Some new options and filters similar to the “total length of stay by region” report.

Dispatch Reports

Dispatch reports with officer filters will now show deleted officers in the filters, this will be in their own group in the bottom of the drop down options.  This is so you can run reports for officers that were deleted.


Adopters Report (222)

New options have been added to include the persons DOB and gender.


Adopted and Came Back Report (678)

This report is updated to include the evaluation category at the time the bet was adopted.


License Fees Collected From Department (647)

An update has been applied to this report to include the option to display the region that the user sold the license from.


Available For Adoption Report (3)

A new option is included so you can filter animals that do not have a photo or do not have a video.


Animal Photo Report (406)

A new option is included so you can filter animals that do not have a photo or do not have a video.


In Care Inventory Report (226)

A new option is included so you can filter animals that do not have a photo or do not have a video.


Animals Received By Report (Detail) (598)

This report will now show the animal type of the animal that was received.


*New List Bite Reports (700)

This report displays details for bite/scratch incidents within a given date range.


*New Cleaning Report (701)

This report displays kennel cleaning request details within a given timeframe.

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