November 2014 Upgrade



Animals Auto Age

All animals ages will now automatically update!  Previously if you wanted this you would have to sign up and request us to set this up, now this will just happen for all animal records automatically.  This will only happen if a previously entered animal had a DOB entered, or for any new animals you can enter just the age for.  If an animal entered before this update does not have a DOB, but does have an age, its age will be put into the general animal notes so its age does not get updated, because the system will need a DOB to calculate the age from.


Drug Usage Tracking

In Administration > Drug Usage Tracking > Dispense Drug from Inventory > Dispense

When using the link “dispense drug from inventory” this will now only show bottles that have no dispense history linked to them. Bottles cannot be re-used for dispensing.  The dispensed date and amount is now being tracked and will be included in the existing drug usage report.


Physical Exam History

The physical exam history popup will now show the comments entered for the area when hovering over the area text.  For example if comments was entered under “eyes” you can hover your mouse over the “eyes” text and it will show the comments.

New Modules

Finding Rover Integration (Please contact support to setup)

ShelterBuddy now has integration with Finding Rover so that animal photos can be searched within Finding Rover’s database using their facial recognition technology to match animal records.  From the photo / document manager link on the animal details page you can upload a photo as per normal and there will be a new link “Upload Image to Finding Rover”:

From here you will see shapes in the top right corner, simply drag and drop them into position on the animals facial features in the photo:

When the features are set and the save button is clicked, the search results of matches from Finding Rover are displayed with contact details for you to contact the pets owner:

To enable this feature please contact ShelterBuddy support and we can assist in setting this up and in contacting Finding Rover to setup an account.


Available for adoption (3)

We had the option to show pets that do not have photos or videos, we have now updated this to include an option to select if pets do have a video or photo.  The following options are now included to show on the report:

  • Indemnities
  • Animal Icons
  • Date Available
  • Indemnities
  • Region


Fostered Out Report (61)

This report has been upgraded to the new format so it can be exported to different formats (excel, pdf, etc).  There are also new options now included.


License Renewals (262)

License renewals will now exclude lost animals and animals with an “unresolved file” status.


Animal Status Report (612)

Name is now an option to print on this report.


License Sales Report (557)

Add additional fields to display for late fee and replacement fee. 


Adopters Report (222)

This report has been updated to include a filter for source and to show the receipt amount for the adoption.


Rabies Vaccines Given for Adopted, RTO and Clinic Pets (696)

Added the option to include the rabies tag number.


Animals Received By Report (Detail) (598)

This report now includes the option to show the agency / council the animal came from, the animals tag, and the lost and found address for the animal.


Detailed Donations By GL Code (629)

This report is updated to include new options to include the cost center and to filter by both cost center and receipt type.

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