August 2015 Upgrade



Public Site API

For customers with our public site product and are using our API, we have updated the API to include the youtube video information of the pet.  You can now use the API to get a list of the pets youtube video ID's to display.  Our API documentation has been updated to include the details.

Signature Pad Administration

With the new signature module for tablets completed (details below) we have moved the signature pad / digital signature administration area to Administration > Signatures Administration. The admin area will now also look different where you search for the contract / receipt type you would like to edit.  

From here you can edit the individual details for each location and each document type:


Login  - Forget Password

The login page will now have a new link "Forget Password?".  From here users can type in their username and a link to reset their password will be emailed to them.  This will only be for users that have an email entered on their user account.

Receipt Letter Templates

The receipt letter template list page now will allow you to search for the template, previously you would need to navigate through all the pages in alphabetical order to find the template to edit.

New Modules

Digital Signatures Via Tablets

Digital signatures can now be captured using tablet devices.  Previously this was only available through specific signature pad devices.  ShelterBuddy was the first shelter management software to release digital signatures and this was before tablets were widely used and affordable for shelters.  Now that they are more commonly used we have added the ability to use tablets to sign receipts / documents.  

For customers using the signature pads, we still support these, however browsers are edging out support for Java which is what the signature pads use to connect to ShelterBuddy.  Chrome will no longer support Java from September, and the new Microsoft browser that ships with windows 10 (Edge) does not support java.  For customers using the old signature pads who would like to migrate over to tablets, there is no additional charge for this, you will just need to source your own tablet devices.

For compatible devices, we have done the majority of testing using apple Ipads, so we recommend using Ipads.  However this feature is just simply done in a web browser so any touch screen tablet with a web browser should work with out an issue.  Iphones do work with this module, however with the small screen and large size of contracts it is a bit fiddly with scrolling, so we recommend using a tablet.  Signatures can be signed using a finger and do not require a stylus, although a stylus can be used.

Setup is minimal for the tablets.  You just simply load your ShelterBuddy site on the tablet (once we have set it up for digital signatures), and you will have a link to login for signatures.  You would then book mark this link on the tablet so that users can just tap the bookmark to open the module.

Signing receipts is also very simple, once everything is configured via admin, you simply process the receipt as per normal and at the bottom of the receipt page you will see a document ID.  

This is then given to the user with the tablet to enter the document ID and then hand over to the customer to read the contract and sign:
This is then saved in ShelterBuddy and can be emailed to the customer or printed if customer would like a printed copy of the contract.  This new module is a paid add on (unless you are using the old signature pad module), for details on price please contact ShelterBuddy support.  Full steps and more details on the process will be available from our ShelterBuddy knowledge base.


Incoming Details List Report (197)

A new option is added to include the time the animal came into the shelter.

Incare Inventory Report (226)

A new option is now included to show the evaluation category in the report.

Vet Treatments Given Report (8)

A new option is now added to only include animals that are currently in care.

License Certificates Report (372)

This report is now separated into 2 reports, one will be called "License Certificates Report Excel" which is the report that does not load the certificates but it loads the excel animal and owner data for the license certificats.  The other report is called "License Certificates Report" which does load the certificates.  The separate was made to easily update the reports now and for the future.  The License Certificates Report Excel now also include the options to show the microchip and the animals dob, and it now also exports the jurisdiction as a column.

*New Bequest Status Updates(725)

This report will show the person ID, the bequest status and the date the status was updated in a csv file.

*New Membership Export(726)

This report is for a data export of membership details, it will show the renewal date, membership type, person ID, and if they are active or lapsed in a csv file.

*New Products And Services Export (727)

This report exports all active products and services, with their costs and fees for each region and where it can be sold from.
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