October 2015 Upgrade




The adoption details page now has the "Alternative / Specialized Placement" field included.  Now when processing an adoption you can set this field instead of having to return back to the animal details page to update it.

Vet Treatments

When maintaining the vet treatment list via administration > edit drop down lists > vet treatments, there is a new field "Vaccine Type".  This field used to only show when entering rabies vaccines, but this has been updated to show for all treatments.  If you do not wish to use this field you can just simply leave it blank.  There is only one option in this list for "killed" but new options can be added via administration > edit drop down lists > vet treatment type.  Setting the vaccine type will mean when a user applies the treatment to an animal, the vaccine type will default automatically.

There is also new options to enter the lot number and the expiration date.  Setting these values in admin will also default the values when entering the treatment for an animal.


When adding appointments in the scheduling module you can now search for a person by their ShelterBuddy person ID.  The ID search option will show as the first field on the appointment screen, and the cursor will default to this field on open.  When selecting an animal linked to a person, the animal ID will also now show with the animal name so you can better keep track of the animals for the appointment.


Voucher Administration

The voucher wording popup is now updated to our new html editor.  This will allow you to add images from a website link, and a lot more formatting options.


Incoming Detail List (197)

The license number field and the weight (the first weight entered after the incoming date) for an animal is now an option to show on this report.  

Bequest Status Updates (725)

This report is updated to include the field "pet legacy".

Products And Services Sold (665)

Tag number is now a new option to display on this report.

Animal Status Report (612)

The following fields were added to this report:
  • Physical Location
  • Shelter Tag
  • Incoming council / jurisdiction

Details By Breed (422)

This report is updated to export to excel without formatting, and you can now select multiple regions and multiple sources.

Drug Usage Tracking Report (213)

This report will now show the starting and ending quantities for the bottles.

*New Kennel List (729)

This new report now allows you to export all your shelter locations and kennels to excel.

*New Indemnity List (730)

This new report now allows you to export all your indemnities and the associated wording to excel.
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