Administering Drugs via Drug Link for Euthanasia


This is an optional feature: you need to have it turned on for your site to use it. 

This process administered restricted drugs to an animal. A user will need to have permission allocated to them to conduct this process. 

  1. Navigate to the Animal Details page
  2. Change the Status to Euthanised 
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where the Euthanasia details are entered
  4. A link called Drug Link will appear:
  5. Click the link and a pop up will appear
  6. Select the drug you would like to administer by clicking the box next to it, then once it is marked, click the Get Drugs button at the bottom of the pop up: 
  7. Any drugs currently in inventory will display, along with the name of the bottle and the amount currently available in the bottle.
  8. Enter the amount used (decimal points accepted) in the text box under the heading Quantity.
  9. Clicking the box in the column marked Spillage indicates that amount of the drug was spilled and not actually administered to the animal in question. 
  10. You have options to indicate who administered the drug and who held the animal during the process: both will default to the current user's profile: 
  11. To change the user who administered or held the animal, enter your cursor in the relevant text field and use the (x) that appears at the end of it to clear the existing data
  12. Begin typing the person who administered or held the animal and auto-complete will suggest options:
  13. Once these fields have been updated, check the Date that the drug was administered. It will default to today's date so amend if required by clicking the calendar icon.
  14. Once all fields are correct, click the Get Drugs button
  15. A message will appear confirming drugs have been administered to the animal and the pop up will close.
  16. The Animal Details page will now display this information beneath the original Drug Link
  17. Repeat if required for a different drug.
  18. Click Update to save your changes.

Drugs administered to animals this way can also be tracked via report 213 Drug Usage Tracking and report 123 Drug Usage by Region


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