Wildlife Rehabilitating - Foster Procedure


This process usually pertains to wildlife animals that will be rehabilitated by a carer or foster carer and returned to the shelter for release.

*Note: both the animal and the carer will already be in the system.

  1. Obtain the Animal ID of the wildlife animal.
  2. Search for the wildlife carer.
  3. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link and click on the Wildlife Person Category (PC)
  4. On the Wildlife Details page click on the Rehabilitate Existing Wildlife - Foster
  5. On the Animal Search page enter the Animal ID. Click
  6. Complete the following:
    1. Status: click on the down arrow to select
    2. General Animal Notes: enter any applicable notes regarding the animal.
    3. The carer’s details will automatically default in the Foster Parent Notes once the file has been updated.
    4. Click Update Details.
  7. On the resulting page, click on the Wildlife Rehabilitation Instructions
    1. Date in Rehab: click on the Calendar Icon to select the date the animal was released to the carer.
    2. Date Due To return: click on the Calendar Icon to select the return date.
    3. Reason for Rehab: click on the down arrow to select the reason the animal is being released to the carer.
    4. Rehab Instructions: enter any applicable information or instructions that the carer will need for the animal.
    5. Click Update Details.
  8. The Rehab Instructions Summary will display. Print a copy for the carer.
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