Admin - Add, Delete Relationships Procedure


This process updates the Relationship drop down list located in the Relationship section in the Person Menu on the Edit Person Details page.  You require access to the Administration menu to process this function.

  • Click on the Administration link in the Orange Menu on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Click on the Edit Drop Down Lists

To Add a relationship:

  • Locate the Relationship
  • Click on the Add link to add a new relationship. This will generate a popup window.
  • Relationship: enter the relationship.
  • Click Add Relationship.
  • This process can be repeated if an additional relationship needs to be added to the system or click the Close Window button if the process is complete.

To Delete a relationship:

  • Locate the Relationship
  • Click on the Delete link to delete an existing relationship. This will generate a popup window.
  • Relationship: click on the down arrow to select the relationship to be deleted.
  • Click Delete Relationship.
  • This process can be repeated if an additional relationship needs to be deleted from the system or click the Close Window button if the process is complete.
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