Enter a Lost Animal


This procedure applies to persons notifying you of their lost pet. I.e. the owner is known, but the pet's current whereabouts are not. 

  1. Search for person's details.
    • If not found, click on the Create a New Entry link from the search return.
    • Fill in the relevant blanks on the Add New Person Mandatory fields: first name, last name, residential address, mailing address if different than residential, telephone number, and gender. Depending on your organization's local settings you may be required to enter other information also.
    • Click Update Details.
  2. On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link and click on the Lost link in the Person Categories (PC). 
  3. On the Lost page click on the Add New Lost Animal
    • If the animal is already in the system, obtain the Animal ID. On the Lost page click on the Lost - Existing Animal link.
    • On the Animal Search page enter the Animal ID in the Go To Animal ID field. Click View.
  4. Complete the following:
    • Status: click on the down arrow and select as applicable
    • Distinguishing Features: This field is VERY important! Enter as much information about the animal as you have available to you. Remember that the person on the phone may not be an expert so you will have to rely heavily on the distinguishing features of the animal to form a useful description.  Record any patterns on the animal, missing appendages, any scars, tattoos, pregnant, on heat, any injuries, shaved patches etc.  Having no distinguishing features is a feature in itself so indicate this if that is the case. This information can provide the tools to make a positive match later.
    • Date Out / Lost: Click on the Calendar Icon to select the date the animal went missing. If the owner is not sure if their animal went missing in the evening, overnight or in the morning, enter the date as the earliest date the animal could have gone missing, or the last time the animal was seen.
    • Lost / Found Address or Location: Enter the street address or a description of where the animal was lost from, including the city/suburb.
  5. Jurisdiction: click on the down arrow to select the applicable jurisdiction if not auto-linked to the city/suburb.
  6. Click Update Details.
  7. The Lost Animal Summary will appear and can be printed.
  8. If applicable, return to the Animal Details Page and enter any additional information into the General Animal Notes link found in the Animal Menu. This pop-up text box is where to record information such as the time an animal was lost or last seen, if the animal was being minded by someone else, where the animal usually lives, etc. Basically this box is for any useful information that does not qualify as a distinguishing feature, such as if the animal is very aggressive towards men, or information that does not fit in the distinguishing features box. It can also be used to record whenever a search for the animal has taken place and any communication with the owner/guardian, and auto stamps the date, time and user who adds the note. 
  9. If possible, ask if the owner/guardian would be able to provide a photo of the animal to be uploaded for reference. 


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