This procedure links an animal in need of foster care to a foster person. This is to be completed when the foster person obtains the animal from the shelter. This procedure assumes that the foster carer and the animal are both in the Shelter Buddy system.
- Obtain the Animal ID of the animal that will be going into foster care.
- Search for the foster carer.
- Searches can be done by the Basic Search field located on the Welcome page, the Advanced Person Search accessed by clicking on the Person Advanced Search link located on the right hand side of the Welcome page, or by utilizing the Available Foster List report (Reports in the orange menu on the left hand side of the screen – Foster – Available Foster List).
- On the Edit Personal Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottom link in the upper left-hand section of the screen and click on the Foster Person link in the Personal Categories
- Ensure the Foster Person Details link has been updated - this must be done before links to foster a pet will become visible.
- On the Foster Carer page click on the Foster An Existing Animal
- On the Animal Search page enter the Animal ID in the Go To Animal ID Click View.
- Complete the following:
- Status: click on the down arrow and select In Foster, Available for Adoption – In Foster, Awaiting Spay/Neuter - In Foster, Awaiting Vet Approval – In Foster, Bite Quarantine - In Foster, Emergency Evacuation – In Foster, Hold In Foster, Stray – In Foster or Protective Custody In Foster as applicable.
- Shelter Location: click on the down arrow and select In Foster Care.
- Foster Notes: the foster person’s details will default.
- Click Update Details.
- Click in the Foster Instructions
- Date In Foster: click on the Calendar Icon to select the date the animal went into foster care.
- Date Due To Return: click on the Calendar Icon to select the date the animal is to be brought back into the shelter.
- Reason For Fostering: click on the down arrow to select the reason the animal has gone into foster care.
- Foster Instructions: enter all care instructions that are to be given to the foster carer.
- Click Update Details.
- If your site is set up to collect Digital Signatures, you will see a band a the top of the Foster Summary page that references the Signed Document ID number. Use this to have your Foster Person sign the document using the Digital Signature portal.
- Refresh/reload the document to load the signatures.
- Print two copies of the form.
Don’t forget to:
- Add any applicable notes to the General Animal Notes link in the Animal Menu on the right side of the Edit Animal Details
The following process returns an animal from foster care.
- Search and access animal’s record via the Welcome page*.
- *Go To Animal ID: enter the animal ID and click View. The Edit Animal Details page will display.
- Status: click on the down arrow and select the appropriate status. The most common will be Awaiting Vet Exam / Health Check or Awaiting Spay/Neuter.
- Shelter Location: Click on the down arrow to select the appropriate location the animal will be placed in within your shelter.
- If known, click on the down arrow and select the kennel number of the kennel the animal will be placed in. If not known, this can be done after the animal has been placed.
- Click Update Details.
Don’t forget to:
- Take and upload a new photo of the animal, if required.
- Enter vaccinations, tests and treatments that have been administered.
- Print out a new Kennel Card to be placed on the kennel where the animal is placed.
- Add any applicable notes to the General Animal Notes link in the Animal Menu on the right side of the Edit Animal Details
- Assign a kennel number to the animal once they have been placed, if it has not already been done.