Bequest Set-up - Person


This details how to record information for people who have entered your organisations Bequest program.


  1. Search for bequest person.
    • If found, skip to step #2.
    • If not found, click on the Create a New Entry link or click on the New Record link in the orange menu to the left of the screen.
    • Fill in the relevant blanks on the Add New Person page. Mandatory fields: first name, last name, residential address, mailing address if different than residential, telephone number, and gender.  Depending on your organization you may be required to confirm identification and include date of birth.
    • Click Update Details.
  2. Click Scroll to Bottom to find the Person Categories at the bottom of the page and select Bequest.
  3. Click Add Bequest Details
    • If copies of any documents or agreements need to be kept with the Bequest information, use the Upload / View Documents link to load them.
    • Contact Date: this is the date the person was contacted to discuss the program
    • Source of Contact: This records how the person came to know about the program
    • Status: This records the current status of the bequest, e.g. enquiry, considering, pledged, trust, deceased etc.
    • Pet Legacy: record if the person has opted to participate in a pet legacy program here. Pet Legacy represents a program where the person’s animals are left to the organization as well as bequesting monetary or other possessions.
    • Solicitor / Executor: click the Add link to search for the person’s solicitor or the executor of their will as applicable.
      • NB: the solicitor’s firm must be entered onto Shelter Buddy in their own right to be found by the search function.
      • Once found, click Select to add the information.
      • Once added, solicitor information can be amended using the Change, Delete links provided.
      • Only one solicitor or executor can be recorded
    • Date of Death: this records the date a person passes away when such an event occurs.
    • Knowledge of Will: Marks how much of the person’s will is known to the program. Click as many as apply.
    • Inactive Reason: Records the reason previously recorded bequest information becomes inactive, e.g. if the bequestor changes their mind.
    • Running Notes: Click this link for a pop up to record information and brief communication notes regarding this bequest.
      • This field has a history function, so will offer a blank text box each time it is clicked.
      • Use the (H) History link next to the Running Notes link to review previous notes.
    • Emergency Contact Details: click the (+) at the end of the blue bar to expand and enter information on the person to contact in case of emergency.
      • NB: this does not transpose the information to the Emergency Contact Details section under the Other Contacts tab on the Person Details page.
    • Prior to Death: This section can be filled in while the bequest person is still living.
      •  Bequest: Select the form of bequest from the drop down as it is currently understood
      • Bequest Type: click all that apply from the options available
    • After Death: This section is to be filled in after the bequest person has passed away.
      • Bequest: Confirm the form of the bequest once the details are known
      • Bequest Type: Confirm the items left to your organization by clicking all that apply.
      • Bequest Expected Date: Enter the date the bequest is expected to clear here
      • Estimated Bequest Value: enter the financial amount the bequest is estimated to be here.
      • Allocation for Bequest Funds: if the bequest person has left special instructions on how the funds are to be allocated, enter these here.
      • Estate comments: enter any comments from the estate here.
      • Supplied by executor or their legal representative: click all that apply
    • Charities Receiving Money: In the case that the bequest is shared among other charities or organization, you can record the percentage of the total bequest each organization is expected to receive here if known.
      • Click Add to save the entry and select another.
      • In the Percentage box, only enter whole numerical amounts, e.g. 5 instead of 5%, before you click Add. If you enter something other than a whole numerical amount, Shelter Buddy will deploy a pop up to remind you.
      • Add as many as required.
    • Assets: Name any assets bequested to your organization, the date they are expected to transfer ownership, an estimated amount and, when known, the final amount received. Click Add to confirm. Add as many as required.
      • Click Create Receipt to create a receipt on receiving the assets.
    • Costs: If any costs are incurred as a result of this bequest, they can be entered here. For example, there may be stamp duty, or a debt to pay before the resources clear.
    • Contested Will: this area if to reference information in the event the will is contested. There are spaces here to record information regarding the identity of the person(s) contesting the amount, legal costs estimated if legal representations is required as a result and the result of the challenge.
    • Trust: if the bequest is in the form of a trust, information on type, distribution frequency, your share and value of the capital can be recorded here.
    • Life Tennant: In the circumstances the bequest takes the form of someone that is to live the rest of its life in the care of your organization, the details regarding obligations can be recorded here.
    • Life Animal Tennant: In the circumstance that the bequest takes the form of a Pet Legacy animal being entrusted to your organization to live the rest of its life in your care, details can be recorded here.
    • Life Trust: Specific information regarding a Life Trust can be recorded here.
    • End of Life Tenancy/Trust: If this has an end date, details of what happens in this event can be recorded here.
    • General Notes: This is a free text box to record any further relevant information that couldn’t be adequately recorded elsewhere.
  4. Click Update Details to save your changes.
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